I know its going to be difficult to identify the closed white flower. Educated guesses are greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone for the help. Big thanks to David in La. I just noticed the bug on the closed white flower. haha
#1 are Jonquils / Daffodils (Narcissus spp). Can't help you on the cultivar, though. #2 looks like a Bindweed (Ipomoea spp, maybe I. alba). #3 reminds me of Salsify (Tragopogon spp). I'm guessing on this one; definitely a member of the Asteraceae, though.
1. Looks like Narcissus tazetta. See... http://www.maltawildplants.com/AMRY/Narcissus_tazetta.php Lots of info on this site, more pics when you scroll down! However there are 100s of species and cultivars now on the market.
Middle plant looks like a form of Calystegia macrostegia but could be a related species. The plant on the right might be Heterotheca grandiflora but there are other possibilities.