Hi - I have a 25+ year old ponytail palm that I got when it was just a 1-inch bulb. It is now about 15 inches across at the base and about 5 feet tall. Between last September and December it had all it's leaves eaten off by a couple of parrots who live beside it. It is now a bare trunk and not the most attractive. If I put it outdoors next summer will it produce any new leaves? Or can I cut it off and will it resprout? Thanks -
Thank you Rima. I'll try cutting it off about a foot below the top this spring and put it outside in partial sun (or should it have full sun???). Hope it will resprout... Meanwhile I'm giving it VERY little water. Thanks again.
Skip the additional damage (chopping) and wait to see what it does on its own. Why add insult to injury?
I agree with Ron. There's a chance the parrots didn't damage the growing tip. Having said that I don't think chopping the top will harm the plant. You may end up with a multi-headed plant though.