24 May 2018 Mulch Posted on May 24, 2018 by Durgan 24 May 2018 Mulch24 May 2018 Mulch Ten cubic yards of wood chip mulch was purchased ($10.00/Yard) and delivered to my driveway. It was taken by wheelbarrow to cover the garden about 70 wheelbarrow loads. It will be moved the next few days. The tomatoes planted yesterday were mulched with about 2 yards of chips about 3 inches deep. All parts of the garden are mulched for moisture retention. Water is usually supplied by four 50 gallon containers from gutter pipes from the house roof. If insufficient then city water is used.
27 May 2018 Mulching Posted on May 27, 2018 by Durgan http://durgan.org/2018/May 2018/27 May 2018 Mulching/HTML/index.htm27 May 2018 Mulching Ten yards of wood chip mulch is slowly added to the garden. The chips are moved from the front driveway to the garden area by wheelbarrow. It is spread by hand in the rows.
28 May 2018 Mulching Posted on May 28, 2018 by Durgan 28 May 2018 Mulching 28 May 2018 Mulching The main garden was mulched by adding four wheelbarrows of wood chips. There is about half the 10 yards delivered still in the driveway. This will be applied to the various bush berries and decorative trees. The boards still in the garden are covering seeds that have not germinated yet.
31 May 2018 Mulch Posted on May 31, 2018 by Durgan 31 May 2018 Mulch 31 May 2018 Mulch All of the garden bushes have a wheelbarrow of wood chip mulch applied to the base. This is for moisture retention. The complete garden is now mulched except for some minor touch-ups. Ten cubic yards are sufficient for my garden. Most chips disappears in about a year.
1 June 2018 Mulch Posted on June 1, 2018 by Durgan http://durgan.org/2018/June%202018/1%20June%202018%20Mulch/HTM 1 June 2018 Mulch The main growing garden is now covered with wood chip mulch. All the bare areas are now being covered. If other plantings are required the mulch will simply be moved aside in a row. This means the mulch can be applied at anytime. I move about a yard a day from front to back. It is hot work since it is now getting quite warm. One more day should finish the mulch work. As an aside no insects have yet appeard this year.
2 June 2018 Mulch Covered Posted on June 2, 2018 by Durgan 2 June 2018 Mulch Covered2 June 2018 Mulch Covered All cultivated areas of the garden are now covered with wood chip mulch. All small bushes have a thick layer round the stems. This is to retain moisture as much as possible. Ten yards were used all transported from the driveway to the garden area by wheelbarrow. The garden vegetables are all protected by mulch. If weeds show the mulch is raked aside and the weeds removed. Mulch inhibits weeds somewhat but many get through. It took about nine days to move all the mulch.