At the Los Angeles Arboretum Aug 16th and 17th. This was my 1st judged show, I entered 12 caudex plants and each one won a ribbon! The following are my winners. Best Succulent Novice (F. fasciculata) 1st place Novice Cyphostemma over 7inches (juttae) 1st place Novice Cyphostemma under 7inches (sietzianum in the back) 1st and 3rd place Novice Euphorbia under 4inches (cremersii middle, moratii front) 1st place Novice Pedaliaceae (Pterodiscus luridus) 1st and 2nd place Novice Asclepiadaceae (Petopentia natalensis back, Brachystelma barberiae front) I still need to upload more, but you can see what else was at the show here
The plants are judged by condition 60%, staging and presentation 20%, size and maturity 15%, and nomenclature 5%. Then throw in the judges preference/biases and you have a winner. I spoke with the judge that selected my weather beaten and abused Fouquieria for "best succulent". He told me it came down to a tie between the fasciculata and a flawless Haworthia. He chose the former because everything worked together, the pot, the staging, the symmetry, the foliage and caudex to make a awesome specimen. He also commented on the growth, being tight, red tinged and not spindly.