23 April 2016 Radishes A area of soil alongside the deck was planted with radishes. The seeds were dispensed using a shaker obtained at the Dollar Store on top of the prepared soil and tampered into the soil, watered and covered with a board until germination. This trellis part has peas planted. 1 May 2016 Radishes Germinated Radishes germinated, covering board removed, time 7 days and temperature was from about 10C to 15C. Peas are under the other board and they have not germinated. 3 May 2016 Radishes This is day 10 from planting. The plants appear to be thriving. There is no sign of the usually ubiquitous flea beetle. 3 June 2016 Radish The radish are mature enough to harvest. The tops of the radish are edible. I utilize all the radish plant in one of three ways. The bulb by itself, the bulb and tops chopped raw in salads, or sauté the chopped plants. I use the tops, since I grew them in my garden and used no sprays. I have an OXO food chopper which is ideal for this process. Pictures depict the processing.