Annual BC Truffle Festival February TBA, 2023 Usually both Vancouver Island and Lower Mainland locations Usually includes both truffle hunting events and culinary events BC Truffle Festival Descriptive Metadata
When I was in Turkey, we went for a hike in the mountains. Our friends told us that it was a place where people would find "truffles". My friend, Baris -which means peace - was the joker in the band. He told me to shout "Domalan !...". It means "Truffles!..." - I think. But some around looked at me with a wide grin, others with a sheepish smile. There was a sub-text... ;0)
Well, it is a funny universe ... so perhaps calling to the truffles isn't a bad thing ;-) I admit I have called to slime moulds ... and it appears to work :-) A less mystical interpretation is perhaps when we call to the object of our desire, this focuses our attention :-)