20220913 - Mossyrock - TruffleDog Workshop - Sep 13 / Oct 1 2022

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Sep 6, 2022.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Truffle Dog Workshop (In-Person) and Online
    Sept 13th 7pm (online) & Oct 1st (in-person)
    Mossyrock, Washington, USA
    Hosted by the Truffle Dog Company

    "The Joriad is the Truffle Competition held yearly at the Oregon Truffle Festival. It’s a super fun event, and if you’re thinking about competing with your dog, or want to learn more about it, the seminar is a great way to start. Our students have been asking for this for a few years and we’re finally able to pull it together this fall, so please join us if you’re interested in competing in this year’s Joriad (Truffle competition) at the Oregon Truffle Festival- and get a head start and some practice before the big event!"

    Truffle Competition Workshop and Seminar | Truffle Dog Company
    Truffle Competition Seminar ONLY | Truffle Dog Company

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