20220910 - Prince George - Mushroom walk - Sep 10 2022

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Sep 7, 2022.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Northern BC Mycological Society Foray
    Wilkins Regional Park (Miworth)
    Prince George, BC
    Saturday September 10, 2022

    " If you would like to get out and stretch your legs join us for a foray to attempt and id some fungi.
    Foray Leader: Richard Parks
    Foray Suggestions:
    I encourage all members to consider downloading the iNaturalist app on their phones so they can record their finds for mycologists who use the site for research purposes.
    These foray sites won't be pre-scouted so we may only find fresh air and good company instead of fungi.
    You will be required to sign a waiver, and sign in and out when you leave.
    If you're sick please don't attend.
    Being I am not an expert in Mycology just an enthusiast, many mushrooms you find may not be able to be identified by myself and guests at these foray's but we will do our best to direct you to where you may be able to get a better id on a mushroom we can't identify.
    Eating mushrooms is at your own risk. Even if a foray leader suggests the mushroom may be edible it is crucial to do your own personal research and come to your own decision.
    Even edible mushrooms can make some people sick so if you are in doubt throw it out!
    Be bear and wasp aware!
    Last but not least is to ensure that we continue to leave our foray locations in as good or better condition than when we arrived by being careful not to trample plants and taking out the odd piece of garbage when you find it."

    Contact: via the NBCMS FB Group

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