20191108 - Metchosin - Mycoblitz - Nov 8-9 2019

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2019
  2. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    The seventh Metchosin MycoBlitz will take place on Friday and Saturday, November 8-9, 2019.

    The MycoBlitz doubles as November's Metchosin Talk and Walk event. Please join us Friday November 8, 2019, 7:00 pm, for a talk by Dr. Cara Gibson, an expert on the relationships between insects and fungi. The talk, as usual, will be at the Metchosin Municipal Hall Council Chambers. See the attached poster for more information on the talk.

    The Saturday Walk part of the Talk and Walk will be the Metchosin MycoBlitz. The November 9 MycoBlitz will start at the parking lot of the Metchosin Municipal Hall, 4450 Happy Valley Road (just behind the Fire Hall) at 9:00 am. A number of mycology specialists will be on hand to lead us to several Metchosin locations. At these locations the experts will do field identification and collect samples of mushrooms for table display and further study. Everyone is invited to join one of these forays--the only requirement is a desire to know more about mushrooms. The more eyes on the gorund, the more mushrooms we find. (Rain or shine, so dress appropriately. Kids always welcome, but please leave Fido at home.)

    The foray groups will return to the Municipal Hall by noon. At 12:10 pm, guests are invited to attend a mini-film fest at the nearly Metchosin Firehall. Bring a brown bag lunch (popcorn, coffee and tea will be provided) and eat it while you watch a Nature of Things documentary on fungi. After the film, walk back to to the Council Chambers and be amazed, from 2-4 pm, at the bounty of fungal species that the expert have laid out and labeled for our Metchosin inventory of species.

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