The two on the left are from the 2018 MS seeds exchange, I put those that didn't germinate in a pot in 2019 and I got these. The others were collected from various trees in a local arboretum but I couldn't label them, and anyway they don't look like the ones I saw there as far as I can remember : Two more, UBC and local arboretum : I have a couple of dozen more, A. tataricum - easy to identify, A. palmatum, more or less like the plain species, big-leaved ones that could be A. rufinerve. Thunder and lightning outside, then pouring rain for half an hour, and I can still hear the rain outside. Good, no need to water the pots, more time to mop the kitchen floor. I mean, it's already "clean" to my standards (did that 3 days ago), but the more often you do it, the less time it takes. I like when the weather allows me to forget about maple care and spend more time on my "social environment" ;-)
Good morning Alain, Ahh Summer rain, it has a wonderful smell and I do like to watch it. They look strong seedlings, fingers crossed for you. Although a couple of dozen more can bring more headaches of where are they going to go lol. D
Hey Alain your second photo looks very much like A. takesimense (formerly A. pseudosieboldianum ssp takesimense).
Some seedlings received from the 2019 MS seed exchange. One A. davidii, several A. sieboldianum, one A. japonicum, two A. fansipanense, several A. diabolicum, several A. longipes, and several A. tartaricum.
The ones in the second picture are indeed under lights in my basement. They will be coming out into the “real world” either today or tomorrow tho, as well as being transplanted into a bigger tray.
Ahh the big moment K, out into the real world. Do update this thread on how they get on. It is 'wonderful'to watch. D @LoverOfMaples also has a great batch of seedlings this year that are looking strong.
Here is a better photo of the second set of seedlings I shared. And then a pot of some A. davidii seedlings and another pot of A. sikkimense.
Wow Acer sikkimense, rather rare, fingers crossed that a lot make it K. Love the deep colour of the leaves in the Autumn on this one. All outside now for the rest of Summer?
I have never been fortunate enough to see any A. sikkimense before now, so I am excited. Not yet, but hopefully they all will be by this time tomorrow.
Here is about 7 A. pentaphyllum seedlings. I know I should probably get them out of the same pot, but I feel pretty confident after repotting some other pentaphyllum seedlings from another tray that their roots are still a long ways from being cramped at all.
@kgeezy20, good evening Kyle, they look so good and no signs of overcrowding at all, very healthy indeed. I like your true gardeners workbench with tools and pen etc at hand. The photo says, 'I'm working on my plants' as I always do.
I've just found back a bag of A. pentaphyllum that didn't germinate, so I brought them down in the garage to plant them anyway, but I forgot about them. I've found the packet again, and several have sprouted. I haven't opened the bag yet, but the ones that germinated show an elongated petiole with light green dicotyledons, I'll try to put them in compost but I'm afraid they'll just rot. The others are probably not viable. One of the inconvenients of being a messy, disorganised, forgetful person... ^^
So annoying when that happens, I've done the same finding a neatly folded brown paper bag in a kitchen drawer all written out nicely with lots of lovely but useless seeds enclosed. So your not alone Alain lol
Same thing has happened to me with multiple Acer sp. and I planted them, then placed a semi-transparent grocery bag over the tray, and put the whole thing under some shop lights and most turn out okay if they aren’t too far gone to begin with.
Among those that look a bit different from anything I have, there's this one (maybe 2018 rather than 2019). The new shoots are bright red, a bit darker, but more luminous in real life :
No, it's either from a bag of "miscelaneous palmatum" seeds from the UBC, or samaras I pocketed in a park.