The 2009 meeting or the North American Branch of The Maple Society has been scheduled for October 8th through 11th and if enough interest a post tour on the 12th and 13th. Registration will be the evening of the 8th with meetings commencing at 8am Friday the 9th. A well packed busy informative session is being planned for your enjoyment and pleasure. The location is Embassy Suites Portland - Washington Square, Tigard, Oregon 97223. This is an advance notice for calendar marking and planning purposes only. Much more information to follow as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing all of you there in our great Northwest. Frank Byles, Registrar 360-481-1673 cell
All, I just wanted to follow up on the 2009 meeting or the North American Branch of The Maple Society posted by Frank. The attached file is the registration form for the meeting in Portland. This form will be available soon on the Maple Society page but I wanted to post it to the Maple Forums also. I hope to see many of you this fall in Oregon. Ed
Looks Great Ed! That is alot packed into 3 days! Everyone planning this has doen a great job! Cant Wait! Mike
I got so excited I had to read the event schedule to Hubby. Now even he wants to go. Now to find a dog sitter... Question: is there a possibility of having buying privileges at the wholesale nurseries? If so, I'll start saving pennies and plan on bringing the truck!
Winter, I am not sure on the availability at the wholesale nurseries but if I was driving I would bring the truck. I have got some great plants from the silent auctions at the past meetings and there is always unusual plants entered. I have attached an updated schedule, bios amd post tour info for review. Ed
Well, the first day of the Maple Society meeting was fantastic. We started the morning with two very informative talks, one on air layering Japanese maples by Peter Gregg of Iseli Nursery and the second on maple breeding by Eric Hammond of Heritage Seedlings. We then had a wonderful tour of the Heritage facility followed by a special treat; a wine tasting compliments of Mark and Jolly Krautman of Heritage Seedlings at the Oak restoration area of their farm. It was a wonderful afternoon with breathtaking views. The meeting committee members have put together a great program and I am looking forward to the next few days of activities.
I am crushed. I got sick and had to cancel at the last... So now, every minute of the day I think, if I was at the maple meeting I'd be doing X... :(
The presentations were interesting, the visits impressive and the weather fantastic. Special recognition to Frank Byles who, after the company organizing the post-meeting tour decided to drop out due to insufficient participation, decided to keep it and organize it all by himself, including doing all the bus-conducting for the two days!!!!, thanks Frank. Gomero