I promised garden pictures...These were taken in early July, following a very cool May/June. Marrow squash close up. 1. Northeast corner of MAIN garden..1000 sq. ft. of Potatoes (192 hills) 2. Southeast corner of garden...80 plants of freshly mulched Hot peppers 3. Onions starting to form...600+ onions in all 4. s.e. main garden center...Marrow and Golden hubbard squash 5. heirloom tomatoes, 28 cages on South end of main garden (42 plants in all ) (* the remainder were planted in seperate locations to preserve seed purity)
A few more, I seem to be encountering a bad dial up connection...please bear with me. 1. one of the two double rows of carrots (center) On the left, one of the 4 double rows of onions. 2. a Little baby Naga Jolokia pepper 3. Tomatoes almost ready (Big Rainbow) 4. East end of 4- 86 ft, rows of sweetcorn (we had another later planting of 4 -50 foot rows)
1. West garden... 106 Hot pepper plants, another of the four double rows of onions in foreground 2. pole beans behind the old grainery (king of the garden & painted Lady) 3. Naga's maturing a week and a half later 4. amish paste heirloom tomato
Pharmerphil Thanks for sharing your hard labors. Marrow squash & heirloom tomato - stirring. Your Thanksgiving dinner must be a magnificent affair.