In conversations I had with the FOGs, yes. I think things are a bit delayed this year as many people spent a lot of time on the plant auction, and are just now recovering to turn their attention to the Perennial Plant Sale.
Just a query . . . . Is the Perennial Plant Sale a plant sale that is perennial (happens every year), or a sale of perennial plants? Or both?
A shame. Mind you, I'm closer and might not make it either. But if you ever do make it to this side of the pond, that would be a good excuse for a forum get-together!
While taking photos of some of the plant sale plants for BPotD yesterday, I talked with the FOG in charge of the list. Apparently, the list had just been finalized for print the day before (not saying there won't be any last minute additions or deletions, though...). So, without further ado, I've put the lists up here: 2007 Perennial Plant Sale Plant Lists.