My sister bought this just two days ago from our local natural foods store (Missoula, Montana). It came in a tiny little pot - I immediately put it in a larger pot, because it looks to me like it really wants to grow! The plastic tag reads: 2" Tropical Plant Medium light Keep soil evenly moist, but not soggy wet. 55-70 F (13-21 C) and it comes from Burnaby Lake Greenhouses, Surrey, BC, Canada.
I wonder if they would actually know - they supply a lot of stores around town and their plants are never properly labelled.
I understand it from a seller's point of view because of the cost and because most people don't care. My wish is for them to put up a website where all plants in their inventory are shown with their names so that those who want to know can look it up.
Wow, Ginger, excellent! After reading your response, I did a google image search for <begonia "angel wing"> and found an image at that sure looks like mine! So, until someone tells me otherwise, I'm going with Angel Wing Begonia! :) Yeah, it's understandable, but rather frustrating. I think you have an excellent idea, however! I personally believe that more needs to be done to reduce public ignorance, in addition to engendering repeat business & customer satisfaction. And thanks for the url er, email - I had tried to find their website before posting here, with no luck... Is there perchance a good online database that is effective for IDing houseplants that anyone knows of?