These two plants are from someone who is having trouble posting on the forums. While we resolve that issue, perhaps someone would like to tackle these (the user is from Antigua, West Indies):
The first one is in the pea family, Fabaceae. Is it a shrub or a vine? How big is it? Does it have a smell? The second reminds me strongly of Palicourea, but I'm not entirely sure if it normally grows in the Carribean. Ours here in Ecuador are yellow. Perhaps something else in the Rubiaceae?
The first one - a vine aparently from Africa, it blooms and tem produce quite large hard bean pods and I would like to know if they are edible. Second one only blooms red - seemingly all year round, I just picke some seeds and hope to get more. Thanks for the answer. I am originally from the Uk and have taken quite a long time to get used to the species that will grow in our very hot and dry climate.
I'd assume that the pea was toxic until proven otherwise, personally. Seeing the other one from further away, it now begins to remind me of Astilbe, althoguh I'm pretty sure that isn't what it is. Hmmm.
Thanks os much for the responses, I am going to attach the third picture and maybe that will do the trick!
It looks like I am finally sucessful in propogating, problem is I never give plants withour knowing what they are.......
It's a vine, no smell, very pretty flowers that then turn into large hard beans, wonder if I can eat them?
sue, please can you clarify. I. Has beautiful purple flowers, is a vine and produces long pods of beans. Which are very clear in your pic. 2. Has the red flowers... is this also a vine, that produces beans? I am confused ! As Lorax has said already, please do not eat any bean before you get an accurate id.
Second plant would be Cissus sicyoides or a similar Cissus. This one has also a white variety. Regards Carlos
I looked at cissus but could not recognise. Sorry for the confusion no, the red vine does not bear beans. The vine with beans I will not eat until I really know what it is.
Sue, Pic 2. I have been looking closely at the pics of the red flowered plant, the leaves are rather interesting... they show 2 completely different bases (where the leaf joins the stalk). I think Carlos may be correct with his id of Cissus sicyoides. This link shows it with red flowers, but the leaves aren't like yours. The next link shows it with white flowers and leaves like yours. In this link it describes the varying leaf shapes. Also it mentions swollen leaf nodes, which I think I see in your pics 2003/SPSJ 55 72-74 French et al.pdf