My father recently bought a small plant sold as bonsai in a grocery store but as usual the seller allways neglects to identify the plant and sells it just as bonsai. I am a bonsai artist but have not seem this plant. It may be a shrub or flower where it is native, not sure which. The stems are woody and the leaves are small and dark green. If someone could help me out on this one Id appreciate it, it is picture 1 below. The other plant is a housplant my father has. The leaves are mottled with ivory.yellowish spots, it gets a white flower and reddish orange berries that seem to get about 3/8 of an inch in diameter. Pictures are attached and again would appreciate if someone could id it. Thanks, Dana
Hmmmm, the leaves seem very tiny to be an azalea. The picture because of the angle I believe doesnt give a good look at it. Are there any azalias with leaves this small? The leaves on average are only about 1/2 inch long, the picture angle and such makes them lok larger.
If it has been bonsai'd naturally or something. I've seen many varieties of Azalea and leaf size does vary. I was mainly going off the woody stem and fresh growth but I think you're right the leaves don't appear to have that 'furriness' that is on Azalea either. Could it be a Buxus?
Flowers are wrong for a Hoya, and right for Gold Dust Draceana (D. sucurlosa).... No idea on number 1; could be a dwarfed Azalea, or could be Buxus, or something else entirely.