This will probably be embarassingly easy to identify. In my defence, I am new to the coast, but nonetheless let's flaunt my ignorance when it comes to trees... (I have editted this post to only show the one ID I need now.) Would this be Pin Cherry or Bitter Cherry (Prunus emarginata)? The first two pictures blow are of the leaf and trunk. Read more:
Thank you. And sorry, the video and pictures are the best detail I have. What detail would I have to show to be able to distinguish?
I haven't heard of it happening with Youtube, but that's okay. I'm just replying to bump the thread...
Okay, I did some screen captures which I don't know will elaborate more than the pictures in the original post. Any idea whether this would be pin cherry or bitter cherry?
The flowers of the cherry tree do not look like bitter cherry flowers. They look a bit like pin cherry flowers, but Squamish is out of their normal range. If they are growing anywhere near civilization, the trees are most likely seedling sweet cherries, which are very common in this area.