19 July 2017 Tempeh A new batch of tempeh was made. From start to finish takes 24 hours. One loaf is sliced and kept on the table top for current use. The remaining loaves are kept in a sealed plastic container in the refrigerator until required, which is usually two to three days. The cool temperature effectively inhibits further fermentation. I keep a batch at room temperature to age for about one day. I find this causes the texture of the beans to be completely encapsulated by the starter mycelium. I eat it raw so to speak an haven’t tried any of the numerous recipes posted on the internet. The soy beans are well cooked prior to fermentation so raw is subjective. The taste is totally neutral. It can vary from benign to smelly sweaty running shoes by using different starter and other than ideal fermentation temperature, which is 31C. I am sold on starter from Indonesia, which is economical an a perfect product. Tempeh Starter Raprima. (Rhizopus Oligosporus ) 2 bags 1 Kg. 26 July 2017 Tempeh Soy beans 500ml dried were made into three loaves of tempeh. They swell to 1000 liters during processing.Beans were boiled for 30 minutes, skins were removed by hand rubbing together under cold water. The skinned, split beans were then pressure cooked for 30 minutes. When cool a tablespoon of vinegar was added and the starter powder was mixed. The beans were then placed in a cotton cloth in a mold and placed in a fermenter set at 31C for 24 hours. The fermentation was adequate and the three loaves were perfect. Pictures depict the process. 29 July 2017 Tempeh Processing A new batch of tempeh was made. Half a liter of dried soy beans were made into one liter of tempeh,3 loaves, since they swell with the processing. The beans were boiled for 30 minutes and the skins hand rubbed off under cold water,and floated away about five times to completely remove and split the beans. The beans were then placed in a colander and placed in the pressure cooker and steam cooked for 30 minutes. The beans were placed in a mixing bowl and allowed to cool to room temperature. A tablespoon of vinegar was added to make slightly acidic. The starter was added about half a teaspoon full and thoroughly mixed by hand. The beans were then placed in sterilized damp cotton protected molds and placed in the fermenter set at 31C. In 24 hours the fermentation will be complete. Annotated pictures depict the process. Finished product after 24 hours fermenting. 30 July 2017 Tempeh Finished 2 August 2017 Tempeh A batch of soy beans were processed into tempeh. Half a liter of dried soy beans were processed. The dried beans were washed, boiled for 30 minutes, run under cold water and the skins were hand rubbed about five times and the loosened skins were floated off. When the skins are removed the beans split into halves. The beans now in volume one liter were then placed in a colander and placed in a pressure cooker for steam cooking for 30 minutes. After cooking the beans were allowed to cool to room temperature. A tablespoon of vinegar was added and mixed thoroughly to lower the pH slightly. Then half a teaspoon of spore starter was added and mixed carefully by hand. The spore starter is from Indonesia and found to be excellent quality and low cost off the Internet. The beans were then packed into molds lined with cotton sterilized cloth and placed in a home fermenter set at 31 C for 24 hours. 3 August 2017 Tempeh After 24 hours fermentation. Perfect tempeh. 3 August 2017 Tempeh After 24 hours fermentation.