18 August 2018 Peach Tree (Redhaven) Posted on August 18, 2018 by Durgan 18 August 2018 Peach Tree18 August 2018 Peach Tree (Redhaven) The Redhaven peach tree has many fruit this year. My problem is when to pick, meaning determining the ultimate ripeness. Checking for some softness where the fruit is connected to the branch is my main criteria. There seems to be no softness indicated yet. I do notice the squirrels are removing fruit periodically at night. My intention is to eat fresh and juice the excess.
I just picked the last ripe Frost peach in my backyard. I use softness anywhere on the peach as the criterion for ripeness. This is confirmed by its ease of separating from the stem. A few peaches invariably fall off the tree when they are very ripe. I understand that peaches are tree-ripe when the skin colour is all red, yellow, or white, with no remaining green. You can finish ripening them inside at room temperature. For pies I prefer to use firm, slightly under-ripe peaches.
19 August 2018 Peaches (Redhaven) Posted on August 19, 2018 by Durgan 19 August 2018 Peaches. 19 August 2018 Peaches (Redhaven) Seventy nine pounds of peaches were harvested from my one tree.(Redhaven). They are set in the greenhouse to soften for a few days. They will be made into juice about two pounds of fruit per liter. They are probably picked a few days too early, but rodents were taking about ten per night so I preempted them. This is the most from this tree. My previous picking was about 22 pounds.