16 March 2018 Tempeh Posted on March 16, 2018 by Durgan 16 March 2018 Tempeh 16 March 2018 Tempeh Tempeh was made, fermented 24 hours at 31C. The three loaves were placed in a Dutch Oven at room temperature to ferment further( Approximately 30 hours) to produce black spores. From reading this makes the tempeh more mature and is generally how the Indonesians eat the material.
Fermented longer at room temperature to form spores. This is 36 hours total. Some spores the black parts are forming. It will be left longer fermenting. 17 March 2017 Tempeh 17 March 2017 Tempeh This is 36 hours total. Some spores the black parts are forming. It will be left longer fermenting.
Fermented about 48 hours. Black spores are forming. Wrapped in plastic and placed in refrigerator to stop fermenting. If left longer more spores will form but this is probably adequate for my purpose. Meaning reasonably mature. 18 March 2018 Tempeh 18 March 2018 Tempeh
21 April 2018 Tempeh Posted on April 21, 2018 by Durgan 21 April 2018 Tempeh 21 April 2018 Tempeh Soy beans 500 ml were made into tempeh. The tempeh was allowed to ferment 36 hours at 31C and is perfect.A two inch slice a day is about adequate. The mycelium is active and permeates the cotton cloth and protruded though the sides of the container. The loaves keep in the refrigerator about a week or more.