16 July 2020 Green Romaine Lettuce Posted on July 16, 2020 by Durgan 16 July 2020 Green Romaine Lettuce 16 July 2020 Green Romaine Lettuce Eight Green Romaine Lettuce in the garden. It is wet and raining today. Only about one head can be utilized for the table before deterioration.The only way to utilize this largess is preservation. Tomorrow they will be pressure canned as a slurry/juice. A little over a head makes a liter of fine juice.This will be exercised tomorrow.
17 July 2020 Green Romaine Juice Posted on July 17, 2020 by Durgan 17 July 2020 Green Romaine Juice 17 July 2020 Green Romaine Juice Four mature heads of Green Romaine Lettuce grown in the garden were made into 13 liters of pressure canned juice. Each head weighed about four pounds.The heads were almost perfect, no worm damage.The juice was pressure canned at 15 PSI for 15 minutes for off season storage at room temperature.