14 September 2007 Cherry Tomato Sweet Million http://uixef.notlong.com/ 14 September 2007 Cherry Tomato Sweet Million. (Lycopersicon lycopersicum) Different varieties of cherry tomato has been grown over several years. The only one that has merit in my opinion is the Sweet Million. The fruit has a perfect size and the taste is most pleasing all season. These pictures depict one plant which is grown on a trellis alongside the deck, shared with the Morning Glories. We pick the fruit as required and partake almost daily. The plant produces from about 15 July until the frost arrives. The quantity of fruit is far more than the requirements for one family. Everyone, who has eaten this tomato, in my experience has positive, complementary comments. http://www.durgan.org/Blog/Durgan.html
Hi, Durgan: Great crop ! Sweet Million didn't do well for me the one year I tried it. Perhaps I ought to try again; I've noticed that each variety performs substantially differently from one year to another. Subarctic Maxi did very well last year, poorly this year. You might like to try Sungold. The flavour, IMO, is unbeatable by other cherry tomatoes. Haven't tried Sugarsnack (red) yet: also prized for flavour here. Sungold offers one challenge I haven't overcome yet. It delivers an impressive early crop, after which it loafs for several weeks. It then slowly goes back to work, to be hammered by September frost before getting back into high gear. Perhaps someone will suggest a work-around. Sweet 100 has always proven reliable, edged out slightly by Sweetie. Juliet (mini-Roma) impressed: abundant, early as Sweetie, sparkling (almost fluorescent) red fruit, average flavour. I'm mostly growing in 16-litre plastic containers. Toward season's-end, it appears that the roots need more space. dino