14 May 2017 Pontiac Red Potatoes Sixteen Red Pontiac potatoes were planted in the outdoor garden. The potatoes were chitted for about month in the greenhouse to form a strong root system. Spacing in the row was about one foot center to center. Row width on each side is two feet. The center of the plant was marked with a stake, since come harvest there is no vegetation left and fork damage is lessened knowing the potato center. Expectation is 4 pounds plus from each plant.
8 June 2017 Red Pontiac Potatoes (Growth to date) 8 June 2017 Red Pontiac Potatoes The chitted potatoes are growing well. Only five Colorado Potato Beetles have been found and they were immature not laying eggs yet. 27 August 2017 Pontiac Red Potatoes Eight Pontiac Red Potatoes were harvested. The vegetation has died off. All the potatoes were a good size. The average production was 2 kilograms per plant. Sixteen kg were placed in the root cellar and a few culls were set aside for immediate use.