First one, hmmm would be a lot easier with a flower :D Guesses for 1 Lychnis, phlox or Dianthus barbatus Second is almost certainly an Ajuga although looking again theres an outside chance it could be a Mentha (mint), squish and sniff a leaf to be sure its not a mint......again flowers will confirm either way.
awesome, thanks! I looked up the Dianthus barbatus and from I remember of the blooms last year, that is it. And thanks for confirming the Bungleweed. Is there some sort of database/other that I can use to look up plants? I always feel bad posting rediculous questions on here, but I have no idea where to find what a plant may be.
There's no single great place online to look up plants - a fair amount of specialist sites if you already know which group of plants you're looking at, but no generic be-all and end-all. Don't think you should feel embarrassed, though - there are 70 pages of plant ID questions, so you're not alone. In fact, I have to post a few conifers from my recent trip on here soon since I can't sight ID them.
Just keep posting up the pictures, if you have no idea what to look for then you could search for hours and still not find the right plant.