You can "watch" a forum or thread, which will give you a notification of activity (new threads and posts directly under that forum, or replies in the posting thread) so that you can always be informed about what's happening in your favourite forum areas. The subscription lasts as long as you keep reading the latest posting on the thread. If you have not read the latest posting, you will no longer be notified of newer postings.
How to Watch a Forum or Thread
1) You need to be logged on to do this setting. Navigate to the forum or thread you want to subscribe to, for example, Pacific Northwest Native Plants.
2) In the upper right corner of the page, look for the word Watch Forum (or Watch Thread) and click the button.
3) For forums, this pop-up appears with some options:
Select what you want to be notified of (within a forum, do you just want to know about new threads, or do you want to be notified of any new posting?). Or do you just want the forum or thread in your Watched Forums or Watched Threads list, to view from the menu bar but not receive any notification?
And if notification, do you want emails, alerts (next to your user name at the upper right) or both?
For threads, you only have to answer the question about the type of notification:
When you visit the forum or thread, the "Watch Forum" text will now say "Unwatch Forum", and it will be similar for threads.
4) To unwatch a forum or thread, click the Unwatch Forum or Unwatch Thread text. A pop-up will appear with a button for you to confirm that you want to unwatch that page.
Automatic thread subscription
If you start a thread or reply to a thread, you are automatically subscribed to that thread. This subscription works the same as for other threads you subscribe to - if you keep reading the latest posting, you will stay subscribed; if not, you will no longer receive notifications.

Watch (Subscribe to) a forum or thread
How to get notified of updates in the forums and threads that interest you