Web sites with information related to Grapes and Grape Vines
Welcome to Grapes and Grape Vine Resources. Feel free to check out the links, add your comments or submit your own link suggestions by clicking the button on the right and discussing them on the Grapes and Grape Vines forum. Any links to nurseries or other commercial ventures are provided as a service to the public and do not constitute endorsement by UBC. Caveat emptor!"
Growing Wine Grapes in Maritime Western Washington
Authors G.A. Moulton and J. King, PDF file. This guide to growing wine grapes in western Washington includes detailed information on variety selection for this region, as well as site selection, rootstocks, trellis structure, vine training, and disease control. A colorful calendar lists grape-growing tasks by month throughout the year.
Link location Growing Winegrapes in Maritime Western Washington (Replaces EB2001)
Submitted by Daniel Mosquin, link updated by Will B
Submitted date 28 Feb 2006; last confirmed 3 Dec 2019
If you need help with growing your grape vine, this is your one-stop grape growing website. Danie Wium is an export grape grower from South Africa and have been growing grapes the past 13 years. He is also the author of the eBook,"The Complete Grape Growers Guide".
Link location Grow Perfect Grapes
Submittedby daniewium, link updated by wcutler
Submitted date 03 Feb 2007; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015
Northern Winework
Mostly about the book Northern Winework: A book about growing grapes and making wine in cold climates, but also includes articles on hardy grapes.
Link location Northern Winework - A book about growing grapes and making wine in cold climates
Submittedby Daniel Mosquin
Submitted date 03 Feb 2007; last confirmed 1 Nov 2015
The objective of Pl@ntGrape is to provide access to synthetic, validated and updates information on the grapevine varieties, rootstocks and clones used in France and, more generally, in Europe and worldwide. It is aimed at anyone searching for information on grapevines as plant material: winegrowers, plant nursery owners, technicians, researchers, students, amateurs. This was suggested for its amazing info on
varieties and rootstocks.
Link location Pl@ntgrape - Présentation (plantnet-project.org)
Submitted by wcutler
Submitted date 11 Dec 2021; last confirmed 11 Dec 2021
State of Wine - Wine Grapes and Climate Change
Website for winegrape related work in the Temporal Ecology Lab at UBC.
The lab focuses on phenological responses to climate change in winegrape
stages (budburst, flowering, veraison and maturity), especially
variety-level differences in phenology.
Link location Winegrapes and Climate Change – The State of Wine
Submitted by wcutler
Submitted date 11 Dec 2021; last confirmed 11 Dec 2021

Grapes and Grape Vines Resources
Websites with information about grapes and grape cultivation