Looking for assistance on Flower Identifications

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by Mike Montalvo, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. Mike Montalvo

    Mike Montalvo Member

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    Ottawa, Canada
    Hello All

    I am new here, I am learning Photography as a hobby and I found this site looking for websites that can help me idetify the names of flowers I take pictures of. So far I have 36 different type of flower and plants pictures and only know 6 names LOL. So I am hoping to get some assistance. Would like to know if there are other websites that I could use for identifying plants by looking at the pictures I don't want to bother to much with things I should probably know because they are commun LOL but thank you anyways. The picture I added as an attatchment here I took at the Experimental Farm here in Ottawa and well I forgot to look at the name tag LOL the flower is very intereting and would like to know the name of it.

    Thank you very much
    Mike :o)

    PS How do I turn on the Img codes?

    PSS: I had to delete the Attachment so I will include a link to the flower.
    Pincushion Flower
  2. pierrot

    pierrot Active Member 10 Years

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    British Columbia
    Scabiosa caucasica or pincushion flower
  3. Mike Montalvo

    Mike Montalvo Member

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    Ottawa, Canada
    Wow thank you so much for the quick response :o)

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