Monstera Albo question

Discussion in 'Araceae' started by MtGardener, Mar 15, 2022.

  1. MtGardener

    MtGardener New Member

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    Santa Cruz, CA, USA
    I have a relatively new monstera albo, it has an all white leaf, it is producing a new leaf that’s not unfurled yet but appears to have green in it. My question is, once the new leaf unfurls should I cut the all white leaf, should I wait for the all white leaf to die, should I just cut it now or should I cut it at the node and see what happens?
    Thanks in advance for any advice!

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  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Are you hoping to propagate from the white leaf? If you are just tidying it up, I think you can cut it at most anytime -- these seem pretty resilient.
  3. hnmlhitc

    hnmlhitc New Member

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    Scottsville, NY
    The albos will sometimes send out all white leaves. I have been told if you get 3 all white leaves in a row to cut the plant back till you have green on the stem. The problem with the white leaves like any other plant that gets them is there is no chlorophyll in them. They also are more susceptible to turning brown. But in my opinion it is my all time favorite so hope you enjoy yours.
    wcutler likes this.

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