July Plant Walking Tours! — Wild Spaces Vancouver

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by rithikha, Jul 21, 2021.

  1. rithikha

    rithikha New Member

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    Hey everyone!

    We got some funding to bring in local knowledge holders to host plant tours in their respective neighbourhoods this summer and I just wanted to extend the invite here as well! Here are our upcoming tours, they're completely free to attend, just bring a mask and maybe some H2O!

    Strathcona Tree Walk — Thursday July 22nd (tomorrow):
    Join poet and dendrophile, James Witwicki, for a tour of Strathcona's trees!
    James is a poet and writer who has lived in the DTES for 11 years and has been passionately watching the trees that grow here for over 20. He believes that knowing more about each tree enhances our experience of the urban forest and is excited to share his observations and knowledge of these beings with the community.

    Sign-up Link: Strathcona Tree Tour | Thursday July 22nd @ 5:30pm

    Mount Pleasant Plant Walk — Saturday July 24th & Monday July 26th:
    Join Landscape Architect, Saba Farmand, for a walk around Mount Pleasant to learn more about local plants, gardens, and ecological design! Saba lives in Mount Pleasant and enjoys going on walks and documenting streetscapes. This hobby has led to his Instagram account @eastvan_blvd_gardens. He is a registered landscape architect and a certified arborist, who works professionally in a planning and urban design role. Born and raised in Vancouver, when he’s not out taking photos of boulevard gardens, you can catch him playing pick-up basketball at the local courts or at home puttering around in his garden.

    Sign-up Link: Mount Pleasant Plant Tour | Wild Spaces Van
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    What's the group putting these on? Is there a link to find out when other upcoming tours will be?
  3. rithikha

    rithikha New Member

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    The organization's called Wild Spaces Vancouver. We're still working on getting a website up but you can find more info on our instagram account — WildSpacesvan, and all upcoming walks will be posted in the linktree url in our bio - @wildspacesvan | Linktree

    We'll be having 1 more Strathcona Tour in August as well - date TBC
    Daniel Mosquin and wcutler like this.

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