Newbie questions

Discussion in 'Maples' started by MapleSyrup, Apr 21, 2021.

  1. MapleSyrup

    MapleSyrup Member

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    Well, not such a newbie, but a newbie in knowledge I am, despite reading these forums. I have a few questions.

    1. My peve multicolor (pic #3) has what looks like maybe girdling roots? If they are, can/should i do something?
    2. pic #2 - tree has leader cut off resulting in sideways growth. Anyway to rectify or just let it go at this point
    3. pic #4 - olsens strawberry has one branch going off to the side, its assymetric and bothers me - can i just chop it off? its kind of big.
    4. General q. I try to stake and train my container maples but i find the stake itself usually isnt firm enough in the small containers to really correct the trunk in other words it gets trained by the bent branches instead of vice versa. Is there a product people use to help?

    Thanks in advance!!

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    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
  2. 0soyoung

    0soyoung Rising Contributor

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    Anacortes, WA
    1. What I see isn't a problem at this point. Over time you should cut those circling ones when you repot so that they don't circle around. Ideally, roots should spread radially from the trunk.
    2. The tallest stem will generally take over as the leader, so shorten the stems you don't want to be the leader. IMHO, you can cut back now, just be sure to leave at least a pair of leaves on the branch. Of course, this will also cause each of the cut branches to develop into two branches from the node nearest to the cut. If you don't want on of the two, just pick off that leaf and the bud on the stem OR pinch off the soft new growth as it appears.
    3. Of course you can just lop off any branch you don't want. Just be careful to not damage the branch collar at the trunk. If you are unclear about this, just leave a stub and later (this season or certainly by this time next year) the stub will have died back to the collar - you can then carefully cut the dead stub (then you will certainly know where to cut in the future).
    4. A bamboo stick of the same diameter is usually stiffer than the stem being trained, but there is always rebar (the iron rod used to re-enforce concrete).
    MapleSyrup and Acerholic like this.
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    @MapleSyrup good morning, I fully agree with J @Osoyoung reply, but if I can just add that this is not the time of year to carry out aesthetic pruning. You will get excessive bleeding if carried out now. Just before the start of Summer is best IMO.
    And of course next Spring (early) for the re pot and removal of the girdling roots.
    Re your Peve Multicolour, how does it fare there in NYC? Mine has a tendancy to suffer when it gets too hot.
    I do like your Olsons Frosted Strawberry btw. One of my favourites.
  4. MapleSyrup

    MapleSyrup Member

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    Thank you. The PM is my fav, i just repotted this week into a maybe too large pot. Anyways it does great for me, but i keep out of sun, maybe 2-3 hours of sun a day, mostly shade. It did have a large bug attack of some sort last year but some spraying saved it.
  5. MapleSyrup

    MapleSyrup Member

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    Thanks osoyoung! for the stake - i meant to say that the soil isnt firm enough since the plants are young so the tree is stronger than the firmness of the soil. i feel like a stake with a large base or a planter with one built in might help but am unaware of such a product.
  6. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    That's all mine can take. Hope you can post photos in a few weeks during the Summer, I would love to see how yours copes. Perhaps on the Cheering ourselves up with Maples.

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