British Columbia: Plants from the Four Corners of Oregon

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Workshops, Events, and Societies' started by dt-van, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. dt-van

    dt-van Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, Canada
    The Botany Section of Nature Vancouver presents Daniel Mosquin - Photographer & Educator in an Online Zoom Presentation on Thursday Nov 19th at 7:30pm PST
    This year, with Covid19 restrictions in place most botanical outings have been kept close to home. In this beautiful presentation by acclaimed local photographer and ‘botanical communicator’ Daniel Mosquin, we’ll slip across the closed border for an evening to explore the amazing botanical diversity of Oregon. Daniel will be highlighting the plants and landforms of the four disparate corners of the state: the temperate rainforest of the northwest, the ancient un-glaciated serpentine soils of the southwest, the volcanic and desert-like southeast, and the canyons and rolling hills of the northeast. Daniel’s superb photography and extensive knowledge of the Pacific Northwest’s plants and ecosystems should provide a wonderful diversion from the grey days of Autumn.​

    Daniel Mosquin’s enduring interest in plants started early, with family wildflower walks followed by plant biology studies at the University of Manitoba and UBC. For the past 20 years Daniel has worked at the UBC Botanical Garden, filling several different roles, including managing in areas such as research, education, and IT. He is currently Research Manager, Faculty of Science, Botanical Garden and Centre Plant Research at UBC’s Vancouver Campus. He is also principal editor, frequent author and photographer for the UBC Garden’s Botany Photo of the Day feature.

    This presentation will be aired via Zoom Video Conferencing.
    On Monday, November 16, Nature Vancouver members will receive the Zoom link in the weekly e-News.
    Non-members are welcome and should Email well in advance to register for the link. To join, click on that link anytime after 7pm. The talk will begin as usual at 7:30pm.
    Nov_2020 Poster+Meetup.jpg
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