Cactus help!

Discussion in 'Cacti and Succulents' started by Ayli Berson, Sep 2, 2019.

  1. Ayli Berson

    Ayli Berson New Member

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    Hi everyone,

    I adopted this 18 year old Echipnosis (named
    Felix) last year and he’s been doing well until a couple days ago. He usually will lean for the sun quite a bit but ~3 days ago I noticed he was at a far more extreme angle than usual. It kind of looks like he has a stress fracture at the point where he bent (I’m in the medical field, not gardening! ). I’m not watering him any more than usual (every 10 days or so), and he continues to live on the same south-facing window as he always has.
    I propped him up with this support peg but I don’t know what happened!
    He’s not any softer at the base/cooking area than the rest of him.
    Is it rot? Fungus? Got too top heavy? Any suggestions to save Felix?!
    (Excuse the part where he’s lost some spines; he came to me like that)

    Attached Files:

  2. mandarin

    mandarin Active Member 10 Years

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    Sorry for the late reply, I completely missed your post.
    If the condition has not worsened I would say the plant has become top-heavy. It happens sometimes with old cacti grown indoors.

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