British Columbia: Spring Swap - Greater Vancouver Area

Discussion in 'Pacific Northwest Plant Swaps and Meetups' started by heather2, Mar 9, 2006.

  1. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Ian - Sorry to hear you won't be at the swap. I just purchased one of Lee Valley's "plant walls" (it's a terra cotta coloured plastic wall with plant pockets - I think it will look better than it sounds) to place some of the babies from the semps I recieved in trade from you last year. I have Minter Gardens on my list for spring shopping, so perhaps we can arrange a trade at that time - I am also meeting Paula from these forums to trade for a rubber pond when I head out to Chilliwack - I hope to create a bog garden in it.

    Rene - I am interested in alpines and if you still have an androsace please keep me in mind as we post the lists. Like you, my wintersowing is a little late germinating - I was also late getting going. Did you have any luck with the carniverous plants?

    I have a cimicifuga that I am digging up - it is green leaved and bloomed mid summer for me last year. The flowers are not scented and are not the typical bottle brush. I recieved it from Michele in a trade two years ago but I was looking for the scent. I plan to divide it if anyone is interested.

    I have a Bressingham Blue Hosta that has outgrown its present location. I can make a couple of divisions when I move it.

    I also have a very early (started blooming about Christmas time this year) lilac coloured primula with a yellow throat - the flower is not as pinky as it appears in the picture below, it is definately a lavendar colour. It should be ready for dividing soon as it is just finishing flowering.

    In addition, I can offer red monarda, purple liatrus and white fringed shasta daisy at this point.

    I'll post more soon.

    I hope other forum members realize that all are welcome - there is just a group of us that met through another forum that have done this a few times - we came here hoping to welcome new plant enthusiasts to the swap. It's a lot of fun.

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    Last edited: Mar 19, 2006
  2. cathianp

    cathianp Member

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    Rosedale, Canada
    Hope to see you later in the spring. I have just moved a lot of plants to the greenhouse, I hope i am not premeture.

    I also traded for a pop up pond with Paula a couple of weeks ago.

    I hope to keep a few baby koi in it. I have been waiting for them to breed for the last 4 years. They are 8-9 yrs old now so about time.

  3. barvinok

    barvinok Active Member

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    Hi everybody
    I have the same problem with seedlings as Rene and WCG, will post list later
    So far divisions and seedlings from last year for trade:
    Cyclamen hederefolium(small)-2
    Primula marginata sp.-1
    Aconitum napellus-common monkshood
    Phlox sabulata-1
    Disentra Formosa
    Heucera Dale strain
    Dodecateon (Jefferii?)-White shooting star
    Garden phlox
    Corkscrew willow
    Dragon willow (small)-1
    Ficus retusa for ficus salicifolia

    I’m looking for: Weeping pussy willow, Claiming hydrangea, Winter jasmine-cuttings or plants, Cyclamen coum and……..
  4. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Hi Barvinok - glad to see you here - I am interested in your primula marginata sp. I have a number of primula if you would like one in trade. Otherwise, hopefully we can figure something out.
  5. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Never fails, you travel far and wide chasing botanical oddities and then get your boots charmed off by some daisy in a friend's yard - can I have some of that, WCG, please?

    To my list of things available I can (again) add Xanthorhiza simplicississima (approx spelling), a small suckering shrublet (best confined to a pot in my opinion) that has sprays of tiny reddish-brown flowers starting right about now that are startlingly lovely when backlit by the sun.

    Barvinok, is that Dragon Willow Salix 'Sekka'?
  6. barvinok

    barvinok Active Member

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    WCG-marginata for the primula on the pic, OK? BTW small Chionodoxa bulblets that you gave me 2 years ago are blooming!!!
    KarinL-looks like yes, I bought nice brunch for flower arrangment-it was sold as "Dagon willow", cut 2 pieces off and rooted them:-)
  7. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    Ian - is it safe to send the QofN cutting to you yet ? If so, please email your addy.

    Barvinok - would love to have that white dodecatheon, please.
  8. Vincent

    Vincent Member

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    Mission, CANADA
    Kathy Id be interested in a black krim and a cherokee purple, as well as the rare bianco eggplant or any other. I can offer a tall moskavitch and a south american banana tomato. Also wouldnt mind trying a bells of ireland.

    Belinda what type of poppies do you hav going? The orange feathers poppy made it through winter fine.

    WCG, is it a rooted cutting of the honey cleamtis. I have a blue flowered plant with the same shape/size as nelly moser, that might be of interest.

  9. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    Hi Vincent
    I'm not doing any annual poppies this year, but for perennial poppies, I have p.orientale Patty's Plum, Coral Reef, Carneum, and a red colour. Did the p.nepaulense
    survive ? I have started some blue poppies but can't promise that they will make it to trade day. Everything I got from you last year is doing great, except for the Moonraker which got stolen. They've actually been back 4 times so far this winter and took something each time from the same area.
  10. barvinok

    barvinok Active Member

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    Bcgift-OK for dodecatheon. You have not planted any opuntia or pyracantha on that area yet? :-)
  11. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Karin - Glad you like the daisy - I am quite fond of it. I will pot some up for you. Near as I can tell, it is a cultivar called "Brent's Choice".

    Barvinok - I have you down for the primula.

    Vincent - I only have the honeysuckle in the picture available - it is the only pic I have (the clematis and honeysuckle nicely bloom at the same time). The honeysuckle cuttings are rooted. Would you like one?

    BCGift - Do you have an extra Patty's Plum Poppy? I tried to start some from seed but I do not see any signs of life.

    Out in this great sunshine for a bit today and have the following to add. I know that most are pretty boring but sometimes it is just what someone is looking for:

    Raspberry "heritage' (fruits on new and old canes - two crops per year)
    "Berries and Cream" Climbing Rose. This is in a large fibre pot - I bought it last year but cannot find a good spot - would like something similar in return.
    Elizabeth Rhodo - this is a rather ratty speciman but in the right spot it will perk up in a year or so. (I already have one Elizabeth) I will have to cut it back a bit to get it in the car.
    Hardy Garden Mum - blooms in November. Single to semi double pale lavendar flowers with yellow centre.
    Tall Garden Phlox - fuschia pink
    Tall Garden Phlox - white
    Periwinkle - white flowered (groundcover)
    Dame's Rocket - either pink or white
    Perennial baby's breath spreads
    Lilac - pinky lavendar.
    Jerusalem Artichoke - sunflower like flower - spreads a lot
    Holly seedling
    "Kwanzo" daylily
    Euonymous - gold/green or white/green
  12. tiger_lily

    tiger_lily Active Member 10 Years

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    Burnaby, BC
    Hi, I hope to join y'all this Spring, I have the Swap penciled in for April 22.

    I have 3 friends I've offered to help with their gardens (2 of them were inspired by my garden & by the people they met at the last Fall Swap), so I don't know what I have yet, what they'll want for their gardens, and what I'll yet divide or find as seedlings. I may just arrive with whatever I can.

    I also welcome any newcomers, come out and join us, even if you think you have little to offer this time. Come and enjoy meeting other plant enthusiasts, and be prepared to make space in your garden for other people's extras. We swap every Spring & Fall, so if nothing else, check it out to know what to expect for next time.

  13. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    Hi Lily
    Glad you're gonna make it. Maybe your friends would like to visit with us again as well. If you get any babies of that tall rudbeckia, please save one for me. I still have that Lavender stoechas for you, I'll bring it to the swap.

    Barvinok - no opuntia or pyracantha yet - I wasn't expecting them so many times but I think opuntia and pyracantha are too obvious - I think I'll try something a lot more subtle - something beautiful and really vigorous maybe add a touch of poison as well.

    WCG - got you down for Patty's Plum.

    Forestlover - are ya gonna be there ?
  14. Vincent

    Vincent Member

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    Mission, CANADA
    Hi, Belinda, do you have any of the nepaulense seed left? I have never been to Van Dusen which appears to be the only place to purchase it locally. The plum colored poppy would be very nice if possible.

    The candycans plant Im trying to overwinter was just holding on the last time I checked, due to that last cold snap I think. Hopefully that and the daturas will pull through.

    WCG, Id like one of those rooted cuttings in that case. Would you still like a clematis cutting?

    Karin what would be the likelihood of getting a cutting of the hydrangea aspera you have the picture of? It seems hydrangeas root from cuttings the easiest for me and that one looks different.

    I updated my trade list:
  15. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    Vincent - sorry sowed the last batch of seed already because they don't keep well. I have a couple of pots seeded though, and I do have a couple of plants in the garden that I make a point of inspecting every day. I'll set aside a plum poppy for you. If you have the time, would you try to root a clematis armandii for me ? I have a few echiums still surviving as well. Hopefully they can go in the ground in a few weeks.

    Forestlover - did you find that c.nobilis thing you were looking for a few weeks ago ? I saw some at Dykhof's last week. If you want, I can pick one up for you the next time I'm there.
  16. KarinL

    KarinL Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    BCGift, is that Corydalis nobilis? I got that at The Natural Gardener on W. 10th a couple of weeks ago.

    Vincent, no problem with the Hydrange aspera. I have successfully started it before, but have no rooted cuttings at the moment, so I'll bring you a fresh one or start you one now.
  17. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    KarinL - no it isn't corydalis she's looking for, it's chaemaemelum nobilis she wants. Didn't want to check up the spelling.
  18. Vincent

    Vincent Member

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    Mission, CANADA
    Sounds good BCgift. Ive had a armandi cutting in a pot for a couple of weeks now, but no roots yet. You can have it and a fresh cutting.

    I noticed I had harvested seed from the giganteum poppy as well as the larger peony poppies from last year, I hope its not getting too late to sow.
  19. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    Vincent - you read my mind. Anyway, I got you some meconopsis nepaulense seed from my neighbour. Email me your address. It's not too late to start annual poppies,
    I'm going to toss some in the ground today.
  20. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

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    Maple Ridge, Canada
    Some tomato's have germinated and I have extra's of:

    Yellow Brandywine
    Sunbaby (cherry)

    I am looking for blue corydalis. I gave a couple of you a division from mine two years ago - mine didn't return last spring. Hopefully, someone can bring me a division.

    My wintersowing containers are starting to germinate. Three have sprouted like gangbusters and wouldn't you know it - out of 50 milk jugs I didn't mark these three. I think they are dianthus but who knows...
  21. bcgift52

    bcgift52 Active Member

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    BC, Canada
    WCG - I'd like a Yellow Brandywine please - I'll bring you corydalis elata.
  22. westcoastgarden

    westcoastgarden Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Maple Ridge, Canada
    I also have some extra "Blushing Beauty" hybrid sweet peppers. Apparently they start ivory, turn blush, then orange and finally red - and can be eaten at any stage.

    (I'm hoping more of you folk will start to post trade lists soon.)
  23. heather2

    heather2 Member

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    North Vancouver
    I have some clumps of Hosta to divide - dug up last fall - but the leaves haven't unfurled yet, Royal Standard, albo marginata and undulata variegata. Daylilies, shades of yellow, orange and red, no solid colours. Many seedlings of lunaria variegata alba which I will pot up if there is any interest. I also have a lot of commercial seeds left over from last year.
  24. Vincent

    Vincent Member

    Likes Received:
    Mission, CANADA
    Hi Heather and/or anyone else interested in items on my trade list, I am seeking daylillies of red, yellow or orange. Would be willing to tentaively offer unmarked dahlia
    which are not yet unpacked.

    I just picked up a few more seed packets, valerian, amaranthus, jacobs ladder, and blue violet which are all new to me if someone wishes to request some seeds or seedling. Also anyone interested in some peony poppy seed or giganteum poppy seed, let me know so I dont sow it all this weekend.

    Anyone from Surrey? The organic market I stopped at, passing through had a fresh shipped selection of many cannas, dahlias and asian lily bulbs. Each $2.69 with some being 3 packs seems a good deal if someone wants directions. I bought a 3 pack of asian lillies.
  25. Gardenfever

    Gardenfever Active Member

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    Port Moody
    Hi All,

    Here's my usual list of perennials that are dividable and/or self seeding plants.

    Foxgloves - digitalis purpurea
    Columbines - various colors; self-seeders
    hosta albo marginata
    Geranium seedlings - probably pink flowers
    Smooth Solomon's Seal/Polygonatum biflorum
    Osteospermum - looks like 'Dondo' or 'Kalanga Lavender'
    vareigated rockcress/Arabis ferdinandi-coburgi
    Dianthus deltoides 'brilliancy'
    Iris germanica 'Babbling Brook'
    primula, single small purple flowers with yellow centre
    english violets
    Miniflora rose 'Magnolia' - Kordes Pot rose
    Daylily 'Kwanso'
    Forsythia cuttings - s/b easy to root in water
    Lily of the valley
    Yucca babies
    Artemisia "Silver King"
    Pups I can remove and repot:
    aloe vera
    Banana - small

    That's all I can think of for now,

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