20190504 - Metchosin - Bioblitz/Walks - May 4 2019

Discussion in 'Archived Events' started by Frog, Mar 19, 2019.

  1. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Ty Mynydd Bioblitz and Conservation Covenants Walk
    May 4 2019
    HAT - Habitat Acquisition Trust and Victoria Natural History Society
    Habitat Acquisition Trust

    Birding Bioblitz
    Time: 7am-10am
    Location: Metchosin, Lindholm Rd. Confirmed registrants will be given address.
    Register: email Agnes Lynn of the Victoria Natural History Society: thelynns@shaw.ca
    Join us for an exciting Birding Bioblitz with Victoria Natural History Society (VNHS) expert birders, open to VNHS members and the public. Learn and help HAT discover the myriad of bird species found on HAT's beautiful Ty Mynydd Covenant in Metchosin.
    Conservation Covenants Walk & Talk to follow.
    For more VNHS events see their online calendar.

    Conservation Covenants Walk & Talk with Barb von Sacken
    Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 AM
    Location: Metchosin, Lindholm Rd. Confirmed registrants will be given address.
    Register: hatmail@hat.bc.ca or call us (250) 995-2428
    What does it look like to protect land with HAT? What is a conservation covenant?
    Answers to these questions and much more at this informative walk & talk with Barb von Sacken, HAT's Land Protection expert. Enjoy a beautiful walk through HAT's Ty Mynydd covenant in Metchosin and learn how you can do your part to protect natural areas through conservation covenants and support our Land Protection Program.

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