Acer palmatum 'Yuri-hime' in Europe?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by ChrisProbert, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Santa (who I didn't believe in until five minutes ago!) has offered to bring me an Acer palmatum 'Yuri-hime' for Christmas, but he has told me I have to find one available in Europe. Although there seem to be plenty of suppliers in the US, I'm struggling to find one over here. I've tried my usual sources (Maillot, Esveld, Dick van der Maat), but none of them list it as available. In the UK the RHS only lists it at Packhorse Farm nursery, which is closed for winter, has no email address, and doesn't do Mail Order.

    Can anybody suggest a source for Acer palmatum 'Yuri-hime' in Europe, please? All thoughts gratefully received: why is this pretty variety almost unknown in Europe? Thanks! Chris
  2. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Golly, the first time I've not had a reply to a query on this site! Previous experience tells me that if I don't find an answer here, then there probably isn't an answer out there. Many thanks to those who looked at my posting. Chris
  3. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Well I tried to find links to nurseries where it could be available in Europe, to no avail...
  4. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    You are a gentleman: merci, Alain!
    But this complete unavailability is a bit of a mystery, isn't it? I wonder if it is known by another name? Oh well, something to research until the rain stops.
    Is the owner of Packhorse Farm Nursery (UK) ever a visitor here?

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Dont want to rub salt into the wound but i was looking at yuri hime a few years ago at Packhorse farm and to be honest it didn't do anything for me... Chris ' Hilton' the owner at Packhorse doesn't come on this sight and if you ever want any thing from him it's a case of you will have to turn up at his nursery pick your own and pay there and then , he is just so busy (sole trader) he hasn't the time to do mail order, he may do one day who knows?

    One that you might like which is almost identical to yuri hime is Dwarf Globosum very pretty and very slow growing see pic, but there again you have to find one guess where i got mine!!

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  6. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Thank you for that, Roebuck. I've never actually managed to get to Packhorse Fm - I was in the general area for the first time in ten years last October so promised myself a visit, but when I rang to arrange it I found the owner was off work with a bad back.

    'Dwarf Globosum' does look a pretty variety, I wonder where else in Europe I might find one..... Hang on, this sounds familiar....!
  7. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Well, the postman delivered a nice package on Christmas Eve. My collection has been enlarged by the arrival of the following A. palmatum cultivars: 'Crippsii', 'Carlis Corner', 'Eimini', 'Hupps Red Willow', 'Mini Mondo', and 'Tattoo'. I've gone for small varieties, as my wife tells me we are getting short of space. Many of the bigger varieties in our garden started out as my 'pets in pots' when work required me to move every few years: now I am retired they are in the ground, so I have pots waiting to be filled!

    Happy Christmas everybody!
    emery and AlainK like this.

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