Aesculus confusion!

Discussion in 'Plants: Identification' started by ChrisProbert, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    When I moved from UK to France I brought with me a small number (5-6) of Aesculus varieties. These had been growing in containers for at least ten years, carried from place to place as my career unfolded as an Episcopalian Parish Priest, before being planted out in this, their (and my!) final home. Unfortunately over the years the labels have become lost or at least confused, and I'm really quite keen to identify them correctly.

    What do I need to supply in order to tap into the expertise available here? Flower photos (and measurements)? Pictures of leaves? Illustrations showing size and general habit? I'm aware that, here as everywhere, taxonomists have been renaming things since the original trees were bought (from Bridgemere Nursery, in the UK). Is this the best place to ask these questions (after flowering, next spring), or is there a known expert who members would recommend I consult about these (surprisingly neglected) shrubs and trees?

    All thoughts and comments gratefully received - thank you! Chris
  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Welcome, Chris. Supply everything you've suggested, and photos of the fruits as well. I would suggest starting a new thread for each variety, to avoid confusion as you add more photos and comments, or questions come in. And if you can, name the threads with some aspect that is distinctive. Or else number the threads something like Aesculus 1, Aesculus 2, after tagging the trees. Post them in the Plants Identification forum, where I have moved this thread.
    Silver surfer likes this.
  3. ChrisProbert

    ChrisProbert Active Member

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    Normandy, France
    Thank you Wendy - for the welcome and for the advice. Fruits as well? Sounds like a project for the next year or so! I will be back.
  4. Junglekeeper

    Junglekeeper Esteemed Contributor 10 Years

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    Vancouver BC Canada
    Why wait? Post what you have now and add photos later on, if necessary, as they become available.

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