6 October 2015 Cranberry Juice

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Durgan, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Durgan

    Durgan Contributor 10 Years

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    Brantford,Ontario, Canada
    http://www.durgan.org/2015/October%202015/6%20October%202015%20Cranberry%20Juice/HTML/ 6 October 2015 Cranberry Juice
    Twenty four pounds of pristine cranberries were purchased from Costco ($1.66 per pound) and processed into 35 liter jars of pressure canned juice. Cranberries are tart so to ameliorate this, 20 pounds of various apples were added. The juice is a bit tart but is a most refreshing drink.
    Procedure is for each pound of cranberry add one liter of water to make a suitable drink texture, add one pound of apples for each pound of cranberries to remove the tart flavor and to sweeten the juice somewhat.The cranberry and apple were cooked until soft with about 24 liters of water in three batches, blended into a slurry, food mill strained (2mm screen) and placed in liter jars and pressure canned at 15 PSI for 15 minutes for long term storage at room temperature. Pictures depict the process.
    procuttreeservice likes this.
  2. procuttreeservice

    procuttreeservice New Member

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    Seattle, WA USA
    That is awesome!

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