Monstera deliciosa propagation

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by rustle, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. rustle

    rustle New Member

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    I have three Monstera deliciosa cuttings that are alive and well but not growing. It's been about three months and I expected to see something by now.

    For each one, I cut one leaf and a chunk of stem with a node and air root off a vine that had broken off and was dying. I rooted them in water with no problem then planted in potting soil. Each leaf is doing fine and obviously healthy, but no new growth. One of them has a couple of roots coming out of the drain hole in side of the pot.

    These guys are a test run before I behead and reroot / repot the main plant (which is a beauty) so I want to make sure I'm doing it right.

    I'll find new homes for the cuttings but not until I know they're going to grow.

    I know monstera is tough so I anticipate these cuttings will grow eventually. Can someone please tell me what to expect? And did I do something wrong?

    Thanks a lot.
  2. edleigh7

    edleigh7 Well-Known Member

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    Brisbane Queensland Australia
    Yes they are tough, here in the sub tropics they will grow in no time. Maybe it is just a patience thing if the roots are growing. Is it summer there at the moment?
  3. rustle

    rustle New Member

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    I'm in British Columbia so yes, it is summer. And what a summer it's been, gorgeous weather.

    So I unpotted one to take a look. Lots of roots growing, the plant is obviously healthy. No buds or sprouts on the node or old stem. Interesting.

    I'll just have to wait and see. :)

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