Favorite JM by catagory

Discussion in 'Maples' started by rufretic, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. rufretic

    rufretic Active Member

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    marengo usa
    With all this sad winter weather I thought it would be fun to get a new favorite thread going. Now we all know it's been done a bunch and usually no one can pick their top 3 or even top 5 but I think if we break it down into a bunch of catagories we can get a pretty fun thread going and help give us ideas to add to our spring list. Here is what I've come up with for catagories.

    1. Upright green

    2. Upright red

    3. Upright varigated

    4. Upright reticulated

    5. Dissectum green

    6. Dissectum red

    7. Dissectum varigated

    8. Dwarf green

    9. Dwarf red

    10. Dwarf varigated

    11. Linearlobum grean

    12. Linearlubum red

    13. Shirasawanum

    14. Japonicum

    15. Bark interest

    * Bonus

    I figure one bonus for anything that doesn't match a catagory or one extra you just have to have additional on the list. It might be best to just copy and paste the list and then just add your choices like this:

    1. Upright green - Osakazuki

    2. Upright red - Trompenburg

    3. Upright varigated - Asahi Zuru

    4. Upright reticulated - Amagi Shigure

    5. Dissectum green - Viridis

    6. Dissectum red - Inaba Shidare

    7. Dissectum varigated - Hana Matoi

    8. Dwarf green - Mikawa Yatsubusu

    9. Dwarf red - Beni Fushigi

    10. Dwarf varigated - Olsens Frosted Strawberry

    11. Linearlobum grean - Koto no ito

    12. Linearlubum red - Beni Otake

    13. Shirasawanum - Jordan

    14. Japonicum - Mai Kujaku (Aconitifolium)

    15. Bark interest - Sango Kaku

    * Bonus - Ryusen

    I had a hard time choosing in a couple catagories but picked based on which ones are performing the best as far as growth and least die back. Your turn!
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2014
  2. seventrees

    seventrees Active Member

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    Louisiana, USA
    Even with 14 categories plus a bonus, it's still difficult not to leave out a favorite or two.
    1. Upright green; Sango Kaku
    2. Upright red; Sumi Nagashi - love the color transition through the seasons, ending with the best blood red color.
    3. Upright variegated; Beni Shichihenge
    4. Upright reticulate; Kasagi Yama
    5. Dissectum green; Waterfall, (honorable mention - Irish Lace)
    6. Dissectum red; Tamukeyama
    7. Dissectum variegated; Filigree - beautiful subtle variegation, though difficult to grow in my climate. Tried three times.
    8. Dwarf green; Mikawa Yatsubusa
    9. Dwarf red; Beni Hoshi
    10. Dwarf variegated; Butterfly
    11. Linearlobum green; Koto no ito
    12. Linearlobum red; Red Pygmy
    13. Shirasawanum; Jordan - yellow spring color is outstanding.
    14. Japonicum; Aconitifolium
    Bonus; Imposible to leave out Shishigashira.
  3. Christophe

    Christophe Active Member

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    Bordeaux, France
    1. Upright green; Sango Kaku
    2. Upright red;Sumi Nagashi
    3. Upright variegated; Butterfly
    4. Upright reticulated; Amagi Shigure
    5. Dissectum green; Seryu
    6. Dissectum red; Tamukeyama
    7. Dissectum variegated; Filigree
    8. Dwarf green; Mikawa Yatsubusa
    9. Dwarf red; Beni Hoshi
    10. Dwarf variegated; Butterfly
    11. Linearlobum green; Koto no ito
    12. Linearlobum red; Villa Tarento
    13. Shirasawanum; Aureum
    14. Japonicum; Aconitifolium

    Bonus; Shishigashira (my favorite JM).
  4. rufretic

    rufretic Active Member

    Likes Received:
    marengo usa
    You guys both had Sango Kaku for upright green and that got me thinking, bark interest should be it's own catagory so I edited my first post. Feel free to edit your posts and add one more favorite for upright green.

    I had a hard time choosing on a few like Filgree but mine is too small to be a favorite yet but I'm sure it will be as it grows more. I'm going to have to get a Beni Hoshi now. Good picks so far!
  5. mattlwfowler

    mattlwfowler Active Member Maple Society

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    South Carolina, USA
    I like these games; I'll join.

    1. Upright green: Osakazuki

    2. Upright red: Fireglow

    3. Upright varigated: Shojo no mai

    4. Upright reticulated: Gold reticulated

    5. Dissectum green: Ellen

    6. Dissectum red: Red dragon

    7. Dissectum variegated: Hana matoi

    8. Dwarf green: Mikawa yatsubusa

    9. Dwarf red: unreleased rhet butler (although semi dwarf)

    10. Dwarf variegated: Olsen's frosted strawberry (I cheated a bit maybe :) -For non reticulated variegation: goshiki kotohime)

    11. Linearilobum green: Koto no ito (the real one)

    12. Linearilobum red: Pung kil

    13. Shirasawanum: Moonrise (for a non-hybrid)

    14. Japonicum: Yama kage

    15. Bark interest: Bi hou

    * Bonus: Ojishi

    It is certainly hard for me to leave off Higasayama, Sister ghost, First ghost, Summer gold, Hefner's red select, or Geisha...but they just didn't make the cut.
  6. Imperfect Ending

    Imperfect Ending Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Portland, Oregon
    1. Upright green: Seiryu

    2. Upright red: Benihoshi

    3. Upright varigated: Ukigumo

    4. Upright reticulated:

    5. Dissectum green: Friligree

    6. Dissectum red: Red Friligree

    7. Dissectum variegated: ----

    8. Dwarf green: Kotohime

    9. Dwarf red: Shaina

    10. Dwarf variegated: Butterfly

    11. Linearilobum green: ------

    12. Linearilobum red: Spider

    13. Shirasawanum: Autumn Moon

    14. Japonicum: ------

    15. Bark interest: Arakawa
  7. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    1. Upright green Ryusen

    2. Upright red Beni otake

    3. Upright varigated Murasaki shikibu

    4. Upright reticulated Ariadne

    5. Dissectum green Seiryu

    6. Dissectum red Octopussy

    7. Dissectum varigated Hanabi no mai

    8. Dwarf green Shisigashira

    9. Dwarf red Sharon

    10. Dwarf varigated Izu no odoriko

    11. Linearlobum grean Koto ito komachi

    12. Linearlubum red Red Bamboo

    13. Shirasawanum Susanne

    14. Japonicum Emmette's pumpkin

    15. Bark interest Oridono nishiki

    * Bonus Geisha ( my preferite)
  8. prairiestyle

    prairiestyle Active Member Maple Society 10 Years

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    Omaha, NE, USA
    I like making these lists too (my mind tends to change with the season though).
    1. Upright green - Shigarami
    2. Upright red – Tsukushi gata
    3. Upright variegated – (sieboldianum) Kumoi nishiki
    4. Upright reticulated – Amber Ghost
    5. Dissectum green - Hanzell
    6. Dissectum red – (shirasawanum) Kawaii
    7. Dissectum variegated - Filigree
    8. Dwarf green – Mikawa yatsubusa
    9. Dwarf red – Ruby Stars
    10. Dwarf variegated – Japanese Princess
    11. Linearlobum green – Fairy Hair
    12. Linearlobum red – Red Pygmy
    13. Shirasawanum - Aureum
    14. Japonicum – O isami
    15. Bark interest – Acer griseum
    Honorable mentions – pictum ‘Usugumo’, Saoshika, Peve Multicolor, x ‘Seasons of Change’, shirasawanum ‘Autumn Moon’, Manyo no sato, Geisha, oh and I could go on but I’ll stop.
  9. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    1/ those that survive my winter climate (zone 8) without disfiguring the premisces because they have to be wrapped in protective textile
    2/ those which don't look like the survivors of a forest fire in August
    3/ those that display a wide range of colours from leafing out to winter.


    So, though quite modest in summer, A. p. 'sango kaku' may be top of the list then, and A. p. 'Butterfly' too: both are very resistant to dry summers, and the colour displays is not spoiled throughout the growing season.
  10. maplesandpaws

    maplesandpaws Active Member

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    KS -> northern AL, USA
    ^ Oh do I hear you on point 2, Alain! :) Good to know about Sango kaku and butterfly - we have very hot dry summers, so maybe I'll have to look into those.
  11. ROEBUK

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Thought i might as well throw my hat into the ring with regards favourite JM,have noticed alot of the lists made from the US contain JM we in the UK never get to see over here.

    1. Upright green - Aoyagi - (Superb intense green leaves)

    2. Upright red - Fujian Red

    3. Upright varigated - Peaches & Cream (stunning !!!)

    4. Upright reticulated - Ariadne

    5. Dissectum green - Seiryu

    6. Dissectum red -Tamukeyama

    7. Dissectum varigated - Filigree

    8. Dwarf green - Mikawa Yatsabusa

    9. Dwarf red ----

    10. Dwarf varigated - Butterfly

    11. Linearlobum green - Villa Taranto

    12. Linearlubum red ---

    13. Shirasawanum -Autumn Moon

    14. Japonicum - Acontifolium

    15. Bark interest - Sango Kaku (The older it gets)

    * Bonus - Momoiro koya san - Kinran- both of the later for the interesting colour changes through out the season.

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