Lupin seed defolage

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by Roger Hawkes, Jul 3, 2011.

  1. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada
    I have noticed the seed pods on my lupins are disappearing from the top of the plant down .

    The seeds have not matured yet . I cannot see any signs of Aphids or eaten pods on the ground .

    The yard is fenced and deer proof .The seed pod stock is in tact , just the pod is taken .

    I did not have this problem last year and I was able to harvest the seeds .

    It happens in the evening/morning.

    I live on SaltSpring Island and wonder if this problem is found elseware .

    I spoke to Foxglove Nursery and it puzzled them also .

    Any suggestions ?

    Regards .

  2. Gabriolan

    Gabriolan Active Member 10 Years

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    Gabriola Island, BC, Canada
    I don't know what (or who!) is causing this, but the same thing is happening here on Gabriola. Strange, isn't it?
  3. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada
    My neighbour suggests perhaps someone in the neighbourhood might have collected them as a protein source .Rich in Amino Acids and a substitute to Soy.

    I wonder if Deadheading may be an option at this time or is too late for a second growth ?
  4. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada

    I contacted Cisco Morris from Gardening NW and he suggests it may be rabbits .

    I stopped by a nursery towards Seattle and it was suggested it has something to do with the weather conditions and if the bees are around at that time to pollinate .

    Apparently lupin seeds have a hard outer shell . This fellow said he tumbles them in a container with marbles to get the husk off to speed up the germination process .

    A lady doing some garden work say's the same thing happened last year . The reason I didn't notice it then was because she had cut the spikes off .

    I pointed out the fact there is a lupin plant with all the seed pods still in tact up to the top .
    One otherthing I was told about lupins is the natural colour is blue and the other coloured varieties will revert back to the original blue in time .

    Stiil no definitive answer .
  5. Gabriolan

    Gabriolan Active Member 10 Years

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    Gabriola Island, BC, Canada
    Hi, Roger! I noticed a while ago that whatever has been robbing our lupin seeds seems to have stopped. Odd, but good.

    In our case, I don't think rabbits could have been to blame. While we do have rabbits on the island, I've never seen any in our neighbourhood, and our dog would make short work of any rabbits who dare to come into her territory.

    We have white, pink, and red lupins here in addition to the blue ones. Will be interesting to see if the non-blue ones turn blue at some point.
  6. Roger Hawkes

    Roger Hawkes Active Member

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    Sidney B.C. Canada

    Thought I'd let you know where i'm at with the lupin defolage . I have been monitoring a yellow lupin and taking photo's about once a week . At first It was in full flower . As time went on the lower flowers were producing seed pods whereas the upper stem's flowers faded away and eventually dropped off .The pods are ripening from the bottom up .

    I guess in conclusion the bare spike at the top is natural . A few lupins get fully pollinated and produce seed pods . Seems like most of mine hit the half way mark .

    Lots of bees , hummingbirds and other insects to do the pollenation on this lupin . Perhaps there is a time schedule alloted per lupin . If the weather is inclement and the pollenaters don't fly then only a partial pollenation happens .


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  7. Gabriolan

    Gabriolan Active Member 10 Years

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    Gabriola Island, BC, Canada
    Thanks for the update, Roger. You are a very conscientious record-keeper! I appreciate the time you took to write up your thoughts on this.

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