Identification: Need a expert on poss fungi

Discussion in 'Fungi, Lichens and Slime Molds' started by Corey, May 5, 2010.

  1. Corey

    Corey Member

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    N. CA, USA
    I have tried every link from this website, plus! This showed up about two weeks ago. It is growing on concrete in full sun. It is spanning a crack but not touching the ground. It is like a foam. It has orange or yellow goo oozing out like toothpaste. It is thick and dries almost like sap. It is up to two inches thick in some spots. It has no defined shape and is the same consistancy all the way through. There is no cap, stem, fin, legs or anything but the ooze coming out of the "foam". Please help !! I am very interested in knowing what this is. I have looked under lichen, mold and fungi. Thanks!

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  2. vitog

    vitog Contributor 10 Years

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    Burnaby, Canada
    If it's not the result of some chemical reaction, then it's probably a slime mold. Try the fungus and lichen forum if you don't get an ID here.
  3. Corey

    Corey Member

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    N. CA, USA
    THANK-YOU! I look up slime molds, it is a Myxomycota slime mold, order Physarum, Fuligo septica not dangerous or harmful unless overbearing on a plant.
  4. Corey

    Corey Member

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    N. CA, USA
    Re: Fuligo septica??

    Hey mtnic, i can't remember verbatum, but I wrote something like my "blob" has orange goo oozing out of it. C.Wick, your old coorespondant, asked to see picures, which are posted on identification: need an expert on possible fungi 5/5/10.

    It is in the sun though and gets watered often with the grass. When it first showed up i freaked and took a stick and pried it off the concrete. My piece flew off into a nearby flower bed which I located and removed and none has showed up there yet. I thought it would be doughy. I then carefully removed the rest. The goo(see orig pics) came in one glob. I threw it all away in a sealed container and doused the whole area with yellow jacket nest killer. It returned a week later and is 8 1/2" now. They are very similar, but there are differences in the skin smoothness. Mine seems to mold to what it is adhered to. see left pic

    I really havent found any other of these that have the orange goo, but have seen slime mold pics that seem like mine.

    I gave it a good squirt, it is growing on my front steps and i don't really want them covered in it. The result was a coating of white powderish stuff came off, left a residue on the concrete and blackish stuff is underneath. This makes no sense beacause when I pried it with the stick, it was consistant in color and not really dusty. It could be because was alot more dried out than the last one when i started playing with it. see mid & rt pics

    What did yours do when you got it wet? Did yours show up in the exact same place or did it move?

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  5. Frog

    Frog Generous Contributor Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    B.C., Canada
    Hi Corey,

    When you say you "pried it" off the concrete, do you mean that it was firm or hard?
    If so, then it's not a slime mold.

  6. Corey

    Corey Member

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    N. CA, USA
    Re: fuligo septica?

    I will say that when the orange goo was coming out it was more like cotton candy or mousee. A lot fimer than goo and still breaking off in chunks. This is the point that it looked like the white slime mold that had been baked with golden to brownish tint on it. It never had the yellow coating the outside of it.

    Now it's the consisitancy of the inside of an old dried out oak ball, but mabey it is dried out. It came apart in chunks, so yes it's hard but airy.

    It also had almost all the black covered over white again, 4 hours since it got doused. I pried a piece off with a stick, a chunk broke off, the old & new white granular coating is about 1/4 to 3/8 thick with black underneath that is the same consistancy but the white breaks down in grains and the black breaks down into powder.

    I am watering now so I'm sure I'll have a farm of them tomorrow morning.

    This pic is four hours after the last pic, after being sprayed and picked at with a stick.

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