Pear Tree Suggestions

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by zenshack, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. zenshack

    zenshack Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    My wife and I want to plant two additional trees in our large backyard and we are thinking one of them should be a fruit tree. After a little discussion we have decided on a pear tree and a close friend has suggested a Bartlett Pear.

    We weren't really planning on the second tree also being a fruit tree, were thinking of a medium sized maple or something like that (shade/ ornamental tree). I understand about cross polinating being necessary for most but not all fruit trees so wanted some help.

    Is there a particular type of Pear tree that produces well without a cross polinating tree? Keep in mind we definately want a yummy tasting fruit.

    What might be a nice non-fruit companion tree for it as well. Something a little taller assuming our fruit tree is a semi-dwarf.

  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Garden centers here sell multiple graft pear trees, consisting of several different kinds. Cross pollination is supposed to be figured into the equation when these are produced.
  3. zenshack

    zenshack Active Member

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    Vancouver, BC
    Hi Ron B

    Thanks for the info. You seem to be my gardening Guru as you have replied to almost all of my questions. I have read different (Conflicting?), advice on different forums/ threads but your solution makes the most sense. I will definately look for a grafted fruit tree.

    To solve this problem originally my wife and I had been debating getting two pear trees as we have the space.

    If we were to plant two semi-dwarf pear trees, what is the best distance to plant them apart?

    Thanks again
  4. biggam

    biggam Active Member

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    Michigan, USA
    Concorde variety pear is said to be partly self-fertile, or it also cross-pollinates with Bartlett. 12 feet apart would work for spacing semi-dwarf pear trees; 20 feet for standards.

    Mountain Ash and Black Locust are a couple ideas for companions

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