Grafting Japanese Red Maple I Need HELP!

Discussion in 'Maples' started by urb2165, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. urb2165

    urb2165 Member

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    Dillon, South Carolina US
    Can I graft Japanese Red Maples to maple tree stock I have growing wild in my woods?
    How high above the roots should I graft?
    Is covering the grafted plant with a plastic bag someting I should do in the summer months, temps here in June, July August are hot and humid?
    Is it ok to leave my just grafted red maples outside in full sun?
    Can I feed these just grafted Red Maples with liquid Miricale Grow Tree & Shrub food?
    What kind of pots should I plant my just grafted trees in?
    Are there any inexpensive pots I can use?
    I am planning on using drip irrgation method for watering.
  2. mikeyinfla

    mikeyinfla Active Member

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    palmetto, fla
    i am no expert but maples are not all graft compatable . even if the maples are graft compatable you would need to get the rootstocks planted in the yard or containers than graft them after they are established.if you are going for bonsai than getting cuttings going would probably be the best option. i did at one point have a japanese maple planted and grafted a red japanes maple to a branch the graft only lived for a few years and never grew really well and after 6 years in the ground i did end up loosing the regular japanese maple. in my part of fl they just donot do well planted in the ground. i have never tried to get maples growing from cuttings so not sure how hard it actually is. and have only tried two grafts the one took and the other was on a northern red maple and it did not take. that plant has also since expired in some parts of fl there are only a few types that will grow well and i did not get into bonsai much so never tried to research the maples that are graft compatable hope this helps if you ares still around the forums
  3. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    hi in genus maple there is a good number of thread about graft,is also available one good faq,how ever the rootstock for japanese maple is acer palmatum subsp. palmatum ;-)

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