How do I care for my gardenia?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by chemistry, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. chemistry

    chemistry Member

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    I recently purchased a Gardenia....I love their scent! Im not sure of what I shoud be doing. I replanted in a bigger, terracotta pot with some regular potting soil. I live in Alberta, Canada so the weather isn't too sunny. I have it right beside a window right now. I heard that it likes humidity and that one way to recreate this is to put it on top of a pebble-tray. How do I actually do this? What do I need to be doing to ensure it is healthy for I heard they're difficult plants. Also, when should I expect them to bloom? I heard they need an acidic fertilizer during november-april? Is this correct and how is this done? As you can see I am a novice--have only ever had a pony tail palm which are crazy easy to care for. Thank you!
  2. Greenchic

    Greenchic Member

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    Maryland, US
    oh the irresistable gardenia...

    this is for sure one of the more difficult plant to care for in cooler regions like ours. they love going outside in early spring, and here in md, i keep mine out from early spring to end of november. im sure canada may have a different season. Gardenias can take cooler tempretures than most people think. i overwinter mine in an unheated garage and they seem to do okay. They are like tropical evergreens. I live in zone 7

    indoors for the winter, gardenias are prone to spidermites because of the dry air. make a point of rinsing your plants leaf undersides even if you dont see spidermites. it just takes one! you can also use soap spray if you spot mealy bugs or some other plantbug. Gardenias are so non-toxic that they attract alot of different buggers. Scale, mealybug and spidermites are the most common.

    They like an acid fertilizer. I use Miracid from miracle gro. I dont fertalize too often. usually in the early spring thru the summer. I sometimes fertalize in the fall one last time befoe winter sets in. go light with the fertalizer at half strength. Less is more and i never fertalize a newly bought plant. never fertalize a blooming gardenia..blooms may drop if that happens.

    They love humidity, which is hard to keep up in a home. If you have a sunny bathroom you have a good start. otherwise u can put a tray of pebbles filled with water and set your gardenia on this, but be sure the roots and soil dont touch the water or you plant could rot. A humidifier will also work. I cant afford to run a humidifier day and nite but if you can this will work well to combat winter dryness.

    leaves will turn yellow and drop as the temp changes with the season. not much you can do to stop happens for no reason no matter the season as the gardenia is a tempermental plant. Spring usually brings in a flush of new growth and blooms. and that scent makes it worth all the trouble...
  3. Chhaya

    Chhaya Member

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    Edmonton, AB Canada
    HI Greenchic! I have gardenia for two years now. It does okay outside in summer but inside white fungus start growing on leaves and branches. It also hasn't bllomed for two years. Any suggestions?
  4. Greenchic

    Greenchic Member

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    Maryland, US
    Hi Chhaya!

    when i think white fungus on a gardenias branches and leaves, i cant help but think of mealybug. they look like white cottony deposits and they gather in the corners of branches and under the leaves.

    If it is indeed and for sure a fungus problem, i would recommend a fungal spray. Bonide is one of several brands that make a fungicide that you may be able to find at a garden center, or home improvement center.
  5. Chhaya

    Chhaya Member

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    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Thanks Greenchic! I will try that.
  6. lauk

    lauk Member

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    My branches with leaves are wilting and turning brown, what is happening. I live in utah and she sits in south east window (not full sun). what mineral levels should I try to achieve. thanks for the tip about fertilizing because i have been doing this since i brought her in this summer. what should I do.....get a new one
  7. Greenchic

    Greenchic Member

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    Maryland, US
    Hi Lauk!

    If your gardenia is indoors you can put it in the sunniest window you have. They can take full sun indoors, especially in fall/winter months. No need to do any fertilizing during this time. cooler temps incourage buds to set. If your branches are turning brown and drying out check the roots. they may be over or under watered, or possible suffering from salt burn from the fertilazer. If they are brown, smell funny or mushy, cut off this damaged areas and repot in fresh potting soil. cut off any damaged branches which will help the overall appearence of the plant and encourage new growth(growth may be a bit slower during the winter). If possible, set it outside in the shade during the spring months. Good Luck!
  8. lauk

    lauk Member

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    Thank you for the information. I will try all your ideas.

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