Friend request means what?

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by Dana09, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Not having hung out at too many forums I do not know what this feature represents nor where to find info on this and some of the other contact features.

  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Just kind of a happy gesture, so far's I can tell.

    Click on 'My Settings' at top left (in green bar), then look down left side of the screen that comes up: click on 'Contacts and Friends'.
  3. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Togata, not using the net to socialize, as per your ref in another thread,
    Sorry, I just don't get the idea.
    Are we all not friends in the garden here?
    What does the creation of a special personal list do?
    Is there a useful forum function for this?
    Group emails?

    D stands for DDDUMMY! Doddering and Don't get it, yet.
  4. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England
    Yes of course but when you invite/get invited you become a 'special friend'.

    It does nothing in particular except maybe you or a friend feel special lol
  5. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Does that mean I must also invite them for dinner?
    That special ?

    And hmmm, it's kind of like that first second or third date question....when is it too soon ?
    Does one need to get to know a person first?
    Or are some of us just more the huggy sort than others?

    And UNO, in days of H1N1, perhaps a little distance is more apropos?

    yes, some fun in the garden too,
    old & slow
  6. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Depends on how much info you want to give out about your family, etc. Yes, H1N1, is a concern, but I already got it and I'm now recovering. It is not fun, and if you guys can get the vaccine, use it. As this flu can take up so much of your time and energy, and makes one very miserable. I live in an area where it wasn't wide spread, but as Dr OZ said on his new show, he commented on how he gets a flu shot every year and also had tips on how to prevent the flu in the classroom etc. My family Doc said that I could come into his office for the regular flu shot in a few weeks. Just wants me to be well rested and recovered from the Swine Flu, H1N1. He concurred it over the phone, as I knew there was nothing that could be done for me by going into the office and just making other people sick. Plus, you just don't want to even move, let alone get dressed and drive a car into town.

    Anti nausea pills, Advil, hydrocodone, Immodium, Sprite, soda crackers helped with the symptoms. Muscle and headache pain most powerful, much sleep needed. I didn't get the respiratory symptoms as others, but because of the timing in September and the length, severity of the symptoms, the Doc said it was H1N1. Right now I can hear my husband coughing away in the bedroom while I stay a distance in the LR as much as possible. I spray lysol on all the remotes, phones and computer mice, door knobs, handles, etc. often. I put up signs for family to wash hands frequently. So far the 18 year old child has fared the best. How would it be to be that age again! I would love to have the energy and strong body, but not the immaturity. ;o)
  7. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England

    Get some vitamins and tonic from your doc as soon as you are well to build up your imune system for winter. Sounds like you had a bad time but alive.

    The vacination we will be offered gives you a fever, not sure how bad, if at all.

    Get well soon all of you!
  8. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Karalyn, sorry to hear about your family flu! :-( Hope everyone is feeling better each day.
    I'm surprised that all of us here at the library haven't gotten it by now: customers have no qualms about coughing all over the counter, the books, the computers, or the staff. Sneeze on you too.

    My daughter's friend in England has just recovered from H1N1...she began coming down with it at her sister's wedding!!! Guess wedding guests were looking at her in concern and asking her if she was OK...'huh?...what?' People were talking to her and she didn't even realize it, the mental fog was so thick.

    I'm just trying to breathe as little as possible! and stay away from mass quantities of people whenever I can.
  9. Katalina25

    Katalina25 New Member

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    Lancashire , England

    Demand public notices about coughing and sneezing spread deseases...catch it in your hankerchief.

    Public health will help.

    Take care.
  10. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Thank you all. The mental fog was great...I still feel queasy at times and weak in the knees. Did I just post that...? My grandchildren got it either visiting cousins 4 hours away or took it with them for a visit. My Dr's DD is sick with it...and either her Mother or brother ( who says she is growing pig tails) post a pic of her sick. You have to know my Dr and family. He is a family Dr. and a good one...very friendly and kind.
    My adult DD now is sick too and has to stay home from her job.
    Our city has received the vaccine, but it is going first to health personnel they are in the first line of contact constantly...then I guess will move on to the younger generation.
  11. soccerdad

    soccerdad Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Dunbar area
    Not the younger generation - they are, incredibly, among the least vulnerable. Should go to normally-healthy people first. But politics and superstition may trump true science, as happens so often.

    I am in the living-on-the-edge group so I am not looking forward to this season, but can't do much about it. I started taking the flu shot religiously a decade ago and went immediately from five flues (flu's? flus?) per winter to none, so I can't even remember what it's like to be sick; #4 daughter commented a few days ago that she suddenly realized, while off from school supposedly sick, that she had never seen me sick. So maybe I have evolved ...

    Still, to be safe I should sacrifice a goat, or at least a hamster, to some deity; problem is that there are so many and if I choose wrong I hear that I burn forever ... luckily there are so many people willing, nay eager, to tell me which one to choose... but alas my friends Solomon and Sambu give me different names ...
  12. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Sure that they really are your friends...? As some British dude once wrote---one may smile and smile and be a villain.

    And as Neil Peart once said: If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.

    I dunno, s.d., but your post has the makings of a good solid b/w 'Creature Feature'-type movie. "He began life as a normal plant-lover*...but then he had immunizations! Now...he's...FLU-FREE MAN!" (Imagine your own costume here.) Cape rippling in the wind---goat and hamster looking apprehensive. As is the audience.

    I have yet to be talked into the shot...and if that doesn't illustrate a Rush lyric I just don't know what does.


  13. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Sorry to hear that you've had to suffer thru it Karalyn. Best Wishes to your family.
    That's ok Togata,
    I too am on the fence
    at least I am not a.......................
    Also, I am not above looking foolish if I absolutely must go out while ill, I may take a mask with me to prevent spread to others. I did that last time, a few years ago and people were grateful.
    Now that's being a friend!
    But then I have been one of those who doesn't get sick often and no flu if I do not go shopping on Boxing Day. Really!

    One winter I noticed a couple pause at the entrance of the grocery store to put on gloves before they started shopping. Easy for me to keep my gloves on when I get off my bicycle and I most often do now.

    Best of luck to all and if you fall ill, may it be mild.
    May the birds' obeisance to Kwan Yin be enough to maintain good health in the good garden for all, with no sacrifices required to keep the elixir of immortality flowing .


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  14. soccerdad

    soccerdad Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Dunbar area
    Quant a moi, I sneeze in public. We must all do our parts to solve the overpopulation problem.
  15. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    You guys are cracking me up! :-D Yeh, I wondered how flu in plural is spelled too. Hmmm...
    Last night, I finally found my new bottle of hydrocodone that I requested from my Doc for sore muscles from pulling weeds. I had already seen him in May for allergy problems, and didn't really see the need to go in to ask for some stronger pain killers. So I was lucky and they called it in. But when I really needed them for the flu muscle ache, I couldn't find them. So had to borrow from DD to make it through. So I was surviving the best I could on Advil, since I can't take all my DD meds, so after spending the nice day out yesterday pruning back a Betty Corning clematis which has taken off in the past few years, consuming Little Nell, and seedlings of Summer Snow are in the same space, it was time to get tough. Which then brought back muscle aches, and the realization that I have over done it. :-(

    So now headaches and nausea is back, so this is such a pain. Is it residual flu symptoms or allergy and/or overdoing it in the garden. And even though the clematis is cut back leaving lots of main stems. I want to get it dug up, divided and planted elsewhere. The life of a gardener is would be so easy if we were content to just sit around reading books or watching TV. Seeing sunny gorgeous fall days from inside the house is torture. As most of us know, that soon the temps are really going to get down and working the soil will not be so pleasant. That is the time to have the flu, if you must have it. I being spoiled by having a healthy body, perse' find it most inconvenient to get sick. But then a year ago at this time I was preparing for my second carpal tunnel syndrome hand surgery where I was completely put out of commission. So I count my blessings that my hands are pain free after years of increasing pain that really cramps a gardener's style. I guess having the flu is a better trade and less costly than the pain and less productivity of having Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. I now feel more blessed as I think about how much worse it has been. So no more complaints for today, at least. ;o)

    See you guys are great friends! I have had some free counseling. Yippee!
  16. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Plus the benefits of developing antibodies!

    Every flu feels like the end for me. I hate being sick.
    Bring on the sneezers!
    Take me now Lord!

  17. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    What is Boxing Day?
  18. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Day after Christmas Day. Public holiday in UK, Australia, and other countries.
    Name, I gather, derives from custom of giving those less fortunate boxes of useful and needed items on this date.
  19. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

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    Vancouver Island BC
    Boxing Day = after Xmas shopping for slash priced bargains tho that is not as true as it once was.
    After the surfeit of xmas giving, not yet having achieved satisfaction, we north Americans hit the stores immediately after xmas. The very day after, some lining up at electronics stores in the wee hours to be the first inside to get at the fabulous bargains to be had. Lots of hype, limited quantities, reducing inventories just before year-end, with a now extended boxing week slate of sales and specials

    Money is in fact given so that children may go and choose a gift for themselves at better deal prices.

    Friends make it a date for a special outing, a once a year thing.

    The flu once a year, it has turned out for me, resulting in illness at the New Year, not a great way to start; the growing of anti-bodies is painful!

    So, HO, Ho , HO,
    No, No, mo, fo

    I'll await the white sales in January instead to find some new linens at an affordable price.

    Last edited: Oct 8, 2009
  20. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    OH, wow, this is very interesting! I have found in the past that Christmas Eve seems to be the best time for price cuts, and empty stores. Only have done it a few times, but I think I have only ventured out the day after Thanksgiving a couple times in my lifetime. The day after Thanksgiving is rest or play time for me, depending on visiting family in California or not. But since most of them have left Silicon Valley, I just enjoy my own children and now 2 little grandchildren playing with their new toys in the snow.

    One year we had a perfect Thanksgiving vacation for our relatives from Tacoma, it snowed a lot, for our area, to the point that you could build snow caves, jump on the trampoline, and build hills for sledding. The property of 80 acres at the time was still pasture with a creek that runs through it was open to us and so we had a great slope for the whole neighborhood to access from our property or our neighbors through barbed wire fences. Since then, they have put in a subdivision and saddens me that we no longer have the easy access to the creek and hillside. The problem in Boise, is that our snow doesn't last long even if you find a great slope close by. At least the ski resorts aren't too far away, but they aren't free. ;o)

    The Olympics should be pretty fun over your way, I wouldn't mind visiting before or after the Olympics.
  21. soccerdad

    soccerdad Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Dunbar area
    The Olympics will be fun for the politicians and their families and friends, but horrible for everyone else. It will, as with almost every Olympics, leave us with a debt that will take at least 40 years to pay off, and a collection of venues most of which - like the bike-racing bldg in Greece that is used for walking doges in inclement weather because no other use had been found for it - will be utterly useless.

    The government is rushing through legislation to prevent free speech during the Olympics, lest protesters say or hold up something to ruffle the sensibilities of the dictators who run many of the participating countries; they count on the fact that constitutional challenges can not reach the Courts until after the Olympics are over.

    To prevent, they say, unauthorized commercial exploitation of the Olympics, they prohibit putting that word on a sign without permission - so that "Down with the Olympics" is to be prohibited as breach of copyright!

    They have enacted legislation to permit their entering your private property to remove any signs that you put on your lawn.

    They have proposed legislation that will enable them to arrest street people whose presence on the streets will look bad on TV - claiming that it is nothing but legislation to force street people to seek shelter lest they freeze to death (something that has never been a concern before the Olympics and that will certainly not be a concern afterwards either).

    It is a real nightmare. I am almost certainly violating some law just by posting this.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2009
  22. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    Oooo..that is bad. I didn't realize it takes so much to pay these things off. It seems it usually is welcomed in the U.S. for the money it brings in. As far as I can tell. The road construction built for the 2002 Olympics in SLC was quite the undertaking, and the remainder venues that were built are still being used.

    Boise is rather pleased to have Olympic skiiers practice over here at Sun Valley and other ski resorts while on their way to Vancouver. We do have a ski resort that investors got carried away with in building in such a fast and expensive manner that is in a very bad way financially, that hopefully will get a big boost as it has changed hands quite a few times. It is in a different area than Sun Valley.

    The problems we get is the "okay" to build larger airports near these ski resorts so that they can handle more and larger planes.
  23. Dana09

    Dana09 Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Vancouver Island BC
    AWW Shucks Karalyn,
    Do come while the oly's are on! Why miss all that fun!
    Not very friendly! ;)
    Watch as the taxpayers of not only Vancouver writhe in agony over the excessive cost but the rest of the province suffers just a wee titch more as our health care services are cut back so that there will be sufficient coverage for all the extra bodies here for the olys. Not enough money, meanwhile to up the pay of paramedics !

    And do come witness the absolute shock of the people as the police now have powers that Hilter, who loved and touted the olys feverishly, with his sportessa Eva the gymnast if i recall........yes, he'd like the order of the new oly laws.

    And the city is getting nice and clean now as they put the homeless away.....(insert confused scratching head smilie here) where did they go? Oh, they moved them out of the low cost housing, that's it! And now they can charge lots from the eager tourists for the rat-holes that once house d the poorest of us who now live where?
    Now that is downright unfriendly! on two counts right there!
    Gosh, and how many of us thought FASCIST! on Friday after hearing the news story of home invasions by police because they thought there might be an oly protest sign inside? Yup, they are now allowed to do that because we have the olys here. That is excessively unfriendly in the opinion of most here but the olys seem to have their own police rules and even State when they arrive, to succeed with all these impositions on our people and laws !

    So, please don't think that soccer dad in van is being unfriendly, this is a friendly thread, it's just the sheer incomprehensibility of it all that shocks us at a time of such financial crisis. The disparity between what the populace needs and that the rich will have their play-days at our expense just seems so blatantly unfair. But the words, are of course, all the right ones to show caring for law and order at any cost.

    Well, soccer dad, I wouldn't mind a rest as the season is now over. I could it use to fix up my shoulders with some inactivity for a while so move on over in that shuttle to the jail as they cart us off for disagreeing in public, or not protesting in the right place, or having an opinion that does not agree with the oly committee of tyrants.
    Or so it would seem from what we hear here.
    Too bad we elect reps who not only go along with it but do so with gusto.
    The costs are too high for ordinarily friendly people.
    Avoid having them in your town if you can!
    Hey SD, wouldn't you just get so choked up if your kids made it to the starting line in an oly event as per that commercial on tv lately? Makes me wonder. I guess the extra ads are needed.

    :) ~ waving friendly smiley~
  24. soccerdad

    soccerdad Active Member 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC, Dunbar area
    Well, the debt from the Montreal Olympics of 1976 was not paid off until 2006 - a mere 33 years (if you think I'm a nut case you might look at the CBC:

    But frankly, it is the deprivation of our civil liberties that is really really scary. When free speech goes, no other freedoms exist.

    A few of our federal Court Judges have started to stand up for civil rights, but the federal Court in this country has very very limited jurisdiction, and it remains to be seen if the provincial superior Courts will follow suit.

    Anyway, enough of this. I think I hear a knock at my door ...
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2009
  25. Karalyn

    Karalyn Active Member

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    Boise, Idaho USA
    You guys are funny...? Wow, it took that long to pay off the Montreal Olys? That is scary. Hitler was definitely one crazy dude. We have our own worries here...if you know what I mean. Well, unless you are in the know, our TV news doesn't always tell the real story. But you might already know that. Our Constitution just keeps getting torn apart, which is very distressing.

    So what's the deal about the kid at the olys starting it about needing some money? Because I get phone calls asking for help with the Special Olympics when we just had them. And I'm taking care of a brother that has leukemia which caused him to lose his job, his home, his lifestyle, and through treatment, he now has crumbling hip bones. And has had one hip bone replacement surgery done and it was not paid by the government. Due to our help, his family has a place to live free of rent and he is alive due to a blood stem cell transplant from an older brother who happens to be a match, so that was a real blessing. But it was my sister in law that has been the real hero taking care of my brother through all of his treatment, which was not an easy task. So those are the everyday heroes that don't get enough credit, I think.

    My brother worked long enough at a company that he qualified for health insurance and that has really made the difference. But then eventually one has to start paying a Cobra payment to continue service if you are no longer working for that company. In the meantime, my sis in law was able to get hired on at a local hospital, get on their insurance program at a cheaper price, but only now since my brother is "cured" of AML Leukemia, and is getting up in years where he qualifies for disability of some sorts.

    Since my Sis in law is new to her job, which required special training, she only gets parttime work until she reaches seniority. In the meantime, my brother can no longer work, so paying for their own place is a hardship. My brother will need another hip replacement surgery done for his other leg, and still in the future need to retake some vaccinations that were killed off from the chemo. Unless, the new blood stem cells took care of that. Which I guess it could have, since he also got TB from my brother who didn't know he had TB and was very much surprised as he is very concerned and works hard at a healthy life style. But I guess he wouldn't know if he didn't have to work in a hospital or some place like that.

    Okay, got sidetracked here...I guess what I'm saying is that when I get those annoying phone calls for my money, I just let them know I'm supporting my own loved one with cancer. Sometimes, they still want $10.00, I still repeat, I'm supporting a loved with cancer. I don't think they believe me though. :-)

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