blue spruce bald on one side

Discussion in 'Gymnosperms (incl. Conifers)' started by smv14327, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. smv14327

    smv14327 Member

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    surrey b.c.
    We are doing some drainage work and a small 4 ft tall blue spruce has been dug up and needs to be transplanted. It seems to have been smothered on one side and is barren of branches on about 45 degrees of it's circumference. Is there any way for this little tree to recover? How should I replant with bald side toward/away from sun?

    Any ideas would be appreciated for this pretty bald little tree
  2. timbercheap

    timbercheap Member

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    Campbell River, BC, CAN
    The most important factor in seeing the tree through to a successful move, will be to ensure that as much of the root mass as possible is preserved and kept moist. The roots that feed the tree are very small and found mostly at the extremeties of the root structure. A good gardening book will provide details about excavation, wrapping and re-planting. As for your question regarding the side of the tree without live vegetation - spruces generally have excellent performance of buds below the bark when exposed to sunlight (epicormic buds). These will emerge and eventually grow new shoots that will form new branches. It's best to avoid planting that side of the tree in direct sunlight from the ESE to WSW as you may actually cause scalding of the bark (and mortality of the buds you encouraging to establish). I recommend placing this side of the tree facing to the NW, so that some direct sunlight falls on the exposed stem (but it is not as intense as a high noon sun).
  3. thank you so much - i'll head out right now and soak the root ball and find a good NW location for the bald side.

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