My forte!!!

Discussion in 'Conversations Forum' started by doxie1064, Sep 17, 2009.

  1. doxie1064

    doxie1064 Member

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    Spencer, North America
    I realize these aren't plants. I began UBS botanical in an orchid forum. Turns out that my orchid was fine. (thanks everyone!!) Through the forum I mentioned that Dachshunds (not plants) are what I usually take care of and it was suggested that I post some pictures on conversations and chat because everyone would enjoy them. I'm trying my hand at plants currently, but the Dachshunds are helping. Here they are. My boys, Mr. Ruby and Scooter.

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  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    doxie, I laughed out loud when I saw your photos! Just great!!! What a good-lookin' couple of guys. That first picture, especially, is priceless. And the Santa-weiners I am SURE must have appeared on a Christmas card: if not, they should!

    I know that Liz has dogs, and if I remember correctly (quite a feat) I think laticauda does too.

    Thanks for posting these, doxie! Ha! Your boys gave me the biggest smile I've had for a long time.

    P.S. Have you ever read the kids' book Bobo's Dream, by Martha Alexander? Great little book. Bobo is, of course, a dachshund, and a most courageous and intrepid one too.

    I also highly recommend Teckel, by George Maxim Ross. Out of print now (pub. 1960) but if you run across a copy, grab it! The title character is a black dachshund whose love is Freda, a red one. Great story to read aloud! I did so at least a million times when my kids were small.

    Thanks again! :-)
  3. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Love the first pic. Your fellows are about the size of one of the heads of mine. I know they would love these little franks and would treat them like one of their charges.

    Do yours dig? My guys have a Viet-cong complex out in the paddock where they keep cool in summer. One has recently very carefully buried her treasure in the garden by the new plantings of hedging :0 and squashed some of them.
    Pic of a Maremma on left daughter in middle and Pyrenean on right. There are 3 more Maremma who live with their animals

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  4. greenboy

    greenboy Active Member

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    Hazelton PA, USA
    Well, thank you, for sharing your pictures I think, they are great dogs, and you are a great person. But as a plant lover I only see "Urea burning units" killing my flower beds. Don't get me wrong I had 18 dogs during my life! the majority of them died of an old age. The last one, Honey, died of a heart attack while chasing a rabbit!I am sure she died happy. Since her passing 5 years ago, I have no dogs anymore, I am so relaxed, I enjoying gardening where "no men when before in my property". No more waking early morning during 10 degree weather to take a walk on ice and snow, no more keeping some plants in "high places", because Honey loved her salad fresh once in a while, no more feeding her catchup or some tomatoes products to avoid yellow spots on the grass, Nor keeping certain plants away because they may be poisonous for the dog( dumb cane among them) I love dogs don't get me wrong, and I appreciated the time you invested posting these pictures. But I am so relieved and I feel so free now that I don't have them. I still have bold spots in my lawn because "Honey" used that area for her toilet needs after 5 Years! Sorry but I love plants more than dogs or cats...Plants are the perfect companion for a city Norther Person,and they don't bother my wallet. God bless!!!
  5. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    Does anyone know the difference between a street market trader, and a dachshund?
  6. doxie1064

    doxie1064 Member

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    Spencer, North America
    whats the difference?
  7. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    Oh Liz .. i got the great opportunity to meet a couple of Maremmas ..but um up in the mountains while they were working while hubby was hunting in an area a rancher was having his herd of sheep being moved and he had them guarded by maremmas.. you sure dont know they are there till they pop out of all the white and you get the barking and growling .. it was scary but really cool to see them in action.. we had also seen them the morning we left after the sheep were moved and corraled up they were off duty and relaxed as can be .. really beautifull dogs .. would not want to mess with them while working ... i had read that there breed is over 2,000 yrs old and orginated from Italy ..

    I have 2 Jack Russell puppies ill have to post some pics of ..

  8. Michael F

    Michael F Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Britain zone 8/9
    A market trader bawls out his wares on the street, a dachshund wears out . . .

  9. doxie1064

    doxie1064 Member

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    Spencer, North America
    lol!!! One of my dogs does wear out. The poor thing doesn't walk well. He wobbles a bit. After walking a while, I have to carry him. He used to be in a wheelchair. I figure wabbly walking is better than not walking at all. :) The wabbly walking dachshund is the on in the second picture, also the smaller one in the christmas clothing.

    I can't wait to see more dog pictures! I love this!
  10. Blake09

    Blake09 Active Member

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    Heres mine:

    The first two pictures are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (Spencer, Bella), and the last picture is a Boston Terrier (Misty)


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    Last edited: Sep 18, 2009
  11. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    Ok here are my 2 Jack Russell Terrors... 7 1/2 months old now .. Brogan and CJ .. CJ has the spot on top of his head .. they almost look alike except Brogan has the short legs and CJ has Long legs.. they are borther.. from the same litter..


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  12. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Beautiful dogs all!

    Greenboy, I understand. I feel the same way in a feline sense...I had 2 cats, sisters, named Fuchsia and Sligo. They lived to be 17 years old: my kids grew up with them. Been gone now several years and I will always miss them and still love them dearly. BUT, as you say!---no more enclosing my plants in wire fencing (indoors) to keep them from chewing leaves off my Dracaena, using its pot as a litter box, or reclining upon my best phalaenopsis in the manner of Madame Recamier.

    Thanks, everyone, for posting the photos! Dogs, like plants, come in every imaginable shape, size and color---and they are all wonderful.
  13. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
    Interesting mix of pups.
    Greenboy my guys are extremly clean re where they do there lifting of leg which can include the girls. They fence mark and do there business very discretly. I also feed raw (less chemicals) and have no real lawn. I do not need to walk them as they are on a largish property and spend a good deal of their day snoozing it is night time they are very active (predator time). They have a low metabolism and are very economical in their movements hence don't eat like horses either even if they are large.
    Yes Marion they are very interesting when working. Their first line of defence is that barking and looking fierce. It is better if there is more than one particularly in areas where you have high coyote and other predators. They work as a unit. One keeps the animals together in a safe area while the others take care of business. By the way there are many breeds of livestock guardians these are just two. They came out of the Himalayas and are found all along the silk road route in there many forms. Yes they are around 2,000 year old breeds give or take.

  14. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    On an episode of 'Wild Chronicles' (PBS) I saw a segment describing how African wildlife and cattle both are being saved by the deployment of dogs. Farmers were understandably upset that lions were decimating their flocks, and were killing off the local lion population in self-defense. Someone had the bright idea to introduce (I hope I am recalling this fact accurately!) Anatolian shepherds to guard the flocks. Success! Dogs, farmers, and lions happy.
  15. Liz

    Liz Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Victoria Australia [cool temperate]
  16. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Too cute! Love the shots!

    : O

    I don't have a dog, and even though my little Henry might not quite fit in here, thought I'd show him to you guys, anyhow. Some of you may already know him.

    Just took this shot of him last weekend...

    : )

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  17. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    Repeatedly I have exhorted my daughter's parakeets---Fred, Charlie, and Bill---to follow Henry's shining example of avian articulateness. "Why can't YOU say 'I'm an adorable little boy bird!'"??? Invariably all 3 fall mute and give me looks of beady-eyed innocence, wait till I get out of range, and go right back to arguing with one another over who's hogging the spinny mirror, or spending too much time on the swing. I mean, really---some people's kids!
  18. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    How I do it, Togata - I just keep saying it over and over - every time he sees me I say it (whatever new phrase I am trying to teach him). He can't help repeat it because he hears it steady.

    His latest is 'mommy loves you' and 'where's Buttons'? (my mom's bunny rabbit). He often knows how to say things too, but holds back for some reason. For instance, for three solid years, I've been greeting him with a cheerful 'Good morning, Henry', in the mornings - yet in three years he's never uttered the greeting.

    All of a sudden, a few mornings ago, out of the blue, while the cover was still over his cage and I am not even sure if he knew I was there listening - from underneath the sheet, I hear a loud and cheerful 'Good morning Henry' - just as if he'd been saying it for years!!!

    : O

    I just burst out laughing and whipped the sheet off the cage and repeated the words. He really shocked me that morning, let me tell you. He even laughs just like me, and caws like a crow too. He is just so comical and endearing. I love him so much.

    : )
  19. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Pardon me, but I meant to say, I thought all the dog pics in this thread were cute, not just Doxie's. All the pets are very adorable.

    : )
  20. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    H.L., you probably heard about Willie, the Quaker parrot in Denver, CO...? In some other accounts I read of this incident, it seems that never before had Willie said these words. So...? Guess these parrot characters choose their moments! Lucky for the little girl that Willie chose the one he did!
  21. Marn

    Marn Active Member 10 Years

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    Union, Oregon
    Liz .. I had never heard of these type dogs before i ran into them ... they sure are something .. i will never forget them ..(thank goodness for power windows) they are beautifull .. once ya read up on them and what they do and the life they have you have a whole different outlook on these dogs .. just to have a dog so smart to know what to do from such a young age .. it is unreal ..
    there were a few of them up in the mountains when the sheep were being moved from .. and i know there were alot of wildlife up there .. my hubby was up there hunting and had seen a cougar very close to his campsite and had seen a coyote ..and something had been in his cooler at nighttime .. so they sure needed some protection up there .. they also had border colies keeping the herd in chek .. lol

  22. The Hollyberry Lady

    The Hollyberry Lady New Member

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    London, Ontario, Canada (Zone 5b)
    Yes, exactly Togata - they choose their moments when it suits them, not us!

    Yes, Liz, those dogs are very impressive - Marn's right. They are special and I didn't even know about them until you told us how amazing they are - and gorgeous too!

    : )
  23. doxie1064

    doxie1064 Member

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    Spencer, North America
    I love the bird information as well as the dog info! My brother used to keep some kind of bird. I never really paid attention as I just found the thing annoying. Older now and living alone I can see his point. The doxies don't talk back and when they do, it can also get annoying. Hehehehehe. Unfortunatly, one day the bird was flying around inside his apartment and my brother had forgotten to close the sliding glass door. Bye-Bye birdie. George was the bird's name. Some kind of yellow bird. It talked though. My brother was in his early 20's so he taught the bird to swear.

    Gorgeous bird Hollyberry!!!!
  24. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    my Daisy! belgium groenendael my garden friend :-)

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  25. doxie1064

    doxie1064 Member

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    Spencer, North America
    wow!!! I've never heard of that!!!

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