Dieffenbachia rescue (Updated pics)

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Laticauda, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    2 month update!
    I've had this plant for a little over 2 months now, you can't even tell it was in such a bad condition when I got it. You can't even tell it's the same plant!

    I was up at WalMart tonight, and they had so many plants almost dead. I found a lonely Dieffenbachia sitting amongst some also almost dead Prayer Plants. I asked the cashier if I could have it for a dollar since it was almost dead. So, I brought it home. I never wanted one of these but I couldn't let everything there just die on the table! (But that's beside the point.)

    I've trimmed all of the yellowing and dead leaves off, trying to leave as much of the new growth and the still green (all-be-it floppy) leaves on the plant. I even broke off the part of the main stalk that had turned yellow.

    I repotted it in a 4 inch container (they had it in a 6 inch, but when I saw how small the roots were after taking it out of the pot, decided to go smaller, I didn't even have to trim the root ball!) I cleared as much of the old soil (?and weird green balls?) off of the roots as possible, and put it in some fresh clean potting soil mixture. I watered it and set it in a west facing window sill.

    I have a picture, but I took it with my phone and it still hasn't made it to my e-mail address, I'll post it when ever I can get it on my computer. I was in such a hurry to save the poor thing, I didn't take the time to take a "before" picture. It would have made you cry!

    Anyway, I'm basically asking if there is anything else I should do, or if there is something that I did wrong, that I need to correct. Should I cut all of the stalks back that have floppy leaves, will that kill it, or should I try to leave at least the new growth?

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. If I had gotten a healthy one, I would have had the general care down, I've never really undertaken a "rescue" before!!


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    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  2. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Okay, here is the picture. Let me know what you think.

    Thanks again!

    Edit:: comparison, new picture a week later; same plant, same angle. Stalk on the right hand side of the first picture started yellowing towards the top, so I broke it off to prevent it from spreading. I have not watered it since I repotted it the first night I brought it home.

    EDIT:: The third picture is after about three weeks.

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    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  3. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    It certainly doesn't look very happy, looks like it might be overwatered, - was the soil sopping when you got it?

    I'd leave the floppy leaves for the moment since it probably needs some energy to recover! I think you've done everything right, not sure if the water will help if it has been overwatered....but thats just a theory anyway. I'd put in the warmest spot in the house if you can as they don't like temperatures < (less than) 15C (59F) and they like humidity, but I wouldn't do anything on that score until its recovered to be sure its not a too-much water situation.

    Thats just my advice from what it says in my book on houseplants.....I hope it survives and good luck:)

    p.s. the strange green ball things were probably capsules of slow release fertiliser...
  4. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Don't cut off any more leaves! Let it dry out in a warm place with bright, indirect light, and mist it daily. When the soil is dry as far down as the first knuckle on your index finger, water sparingly. Continue this program until it perks up.

    Dieffs come from the jungle west of me; I've seen this behaviour in wild specimens just after floodwaters recede. They perk up as their soil dries.
  5. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Thanks! You've been very helpful. I hope this little guy makes it! He seems to have a lot of fight left, so I'll keep you guys posted!

    And yes, the soil was rather damp. I'm glad I got rid of those slow release fertilizers. I prefer to fertilize on my own schedule. I'm going to have to go re-pot my golden pothos that has the same green balls in it. I think it probably needs a smaller pot as well, since they have a rather shallow root system.
  6. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Looks like you did a good job! There can be such a huge difference in a plants overall appearance with just a little TLC. From a once dry, yellow sick looking plant, to one looking healthy and green again, just by getting rid of all the "junk."

    Post back if you like later on with an updated photo when it starts to grow!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2009
  7. Therion

    Therion Member

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    I find that my diff prefers to be on the drier side. They are quite resilient if given the proper conditions, and they recover well. Just give it some time. It might take months for the damage to reverse and the plant to start bringing new leaves.
  8. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    By dry, I meant the leaves...
  9. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Well, right now it's just sitting in a west facing window sill (my south facing window sills have cacti and other succulents in them and I want to keep this plant quarantined just in case.) He's just sitting there, drying out, but he hasn't deteriorated anymore, I think it's going to be a successful revival. But only time will tell. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted as to the outcome.
    Thanks for all the support everyone!!
  10. Therion

    Therion Member

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Also forgot to mention that my diffs do much better in medium light, as opposed sitting in the window. I find they start to drop leaves if exposed to too much direct sun. I actually had to move one out of a north-facing (ie. least sunny) window because it was starting to suffer.
  11. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Re: Dieffenbachia rescue

    Hate to bring this old thread back up, but I took another picture (with my new and improved camera phone) and I think this little guy has made a marked improvement, I'll post a picture up there with the old one, so you can see them side by side (from the same general direction.)

    This one is from a different side of the plant, but you can definitely tell it's much happier now!!

    (Update) Second picture taken after three weeks.

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    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  12. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

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    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Much better yes....well done for 'nursing' it so well:)
  13. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

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    Upstate NY
    It looks much happier for sure!
  14. lorax

    lorax Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Toronto, Ontario
    Definitely happier!
  15. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Here are the newest pictures. I'm surprised how well this guy is doing.

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  16. Bluewing

    Bluewing Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Upstate NY
    Looking good! It's definitely getting taller too.
  17. JenRi

    JenRi Active Member

    Likes Received:
    Nottingham,England zone 8/9
    Aren't you glad you rescued it now?

    Is that your dog in your Avatar Laticauda? My Mum has two of those back home, ruby coloured, they're absolutely gorgeous!
  18. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    Yes JenRi, that's my little Lacey dog. She's sweet as can be, I love the Ruby's I'm sure your mom is smothered in love every day!

    And yes, I'm glad I rescued it, it looked bleak for a little while, but after some trial and error on my part, it's much greener and taller now.

    Thank you everyone for your replies and suggestions, couldn't have done it without you!
  19. Laticauda

    Laticauda Active Member

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    Oklahoma, US
    2 month update!
    I've had this plant for a little over 2 months now, you can't even tell it was in such a bad condition when I got it. You can't even tell it's the same plant!

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  20. James D.

    James D. Active Member

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    ottawa,ON. Canada
    Im glad someone else out there like to rescue plants, Im such a sucker for it and my work doesn't make it any easier. I can easily bring home 10-15 plants per week, this doesn't go over well with my spouse. Congratulations on a sucessfull rescue, im glad it survived because sometimes you can't save them all or they just don't make it.

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