Hostas inside?

Discussion in 'Plant Propagation' started by smscore, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. smscore

    smscore Member

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    Rapid City, SD
    I know now that Hostas are for landscaping outside. But Im a real green beginer and when I first seen that Hostas could deal with shade I bought two potted them in two big planters for the end of my living room(south) where there is light from the east and west windows but other plants wouldnt thrive.

    Can anyone think of a reason this is not a good idea?

    I also thought of a flower bed Id like to put them in next year.
    Right now the only thing I can get to grow in it is Tulips. By the the time the Tulips are done there is too much shade (from fully leafed trees)
    to ge anything else Ive tried to grow.

    Id take suggestions for other plants to try next spring.
  2. togata57

    togata57 Generous Contributor 10 Years

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    Columbus, Ohio
    smscore, I applaud you for original thinking! Because you ARE a beginner, you have no preconceived ideas---so you came up with a neat idea. I say: Why not?? How are they doing? If they like it, go for it!
    I am partial to lungwort (Pulmonaria). Some varieties (I have grown 'Spilled Milk') have lovely variegated spotty leaves, and do well in the shade.
  3. joclyn

    joclyn Rising Contributor

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    philly, pa, usa 6b
    the hosta's can certainly be grown in containers. i'm not sure how well they'll do inside the house, though. certainly give it a go - it may just work out perfectly!! just remember, they normally go dormant for the winter and, being inside with the heat, they may not do that...or, they may still die back....if so, just remember to continue to water (sparingly) over the winter until the break dormancy and then go to the usual watering schedule.

    shady spots outside are great for lots of plants.

    hosta's, huechera, lily of the valley, daylily, stonecrop sedum, some clematis, hydrangea, ferns, mayapple, sweet woodruff, columbine and cranesbill geranium are some that would do well in shady conditions.

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