Identification: Can you help me identify this succulent?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by eventhrzn, Aug 21, 2004.

  1. eventhrzn

    eventhrzn Member

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    I bought this succulent not too long ago, but want to get a better idea how to take care of it. I'm wondering exactly what kind of plant it is! Attached is an image. Thanks for your help! Chris.

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  2. mitch mednick

    mitch mednick Member

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    tuxedo, new york
    looks like a jade plant but I dont think it is
    I suggest well drained soil, drench it and then allow it to dry completly
    If its like a jade it will look like it needs water when it does
    Jade is supposed to prefer partial shade and dry soil but I have
    found the plant will prosper if given full sun and lots water, as long as it drys out
    in between waterings, I have one plant similar to this that I cant ID also, its not a jade
    but responds like one, it had red flowers when I got it but got a disease and is only now recovering, It came from florida, yours appears healthy.
    probably very easy to take a cutting, let the cut end of the cutting dry a day till
    it forms a skin on the cut then stick it in some sandy soil. water only as needed
    good luck!

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